"More passionate, I suppose"

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Jughead POV
Archie propped himself up over me. His eyes ran over my body, taking in every detail. I became insecure slightly. Archie had the most perfect body, I could stare at him for months on end. But I just looked like an earlier suckier model of him. I closed my legs and let my arms come together over my chest. His eyes darted back up to mine. "What's wrong, love?" He asked, his eyebrows knitting together. "N-nothing... you were just staring." He smiled gently, "Well of course I was staring. Who wouldn't? You're just too gorgous not to look at." My cheeks heated and I broke eye contact, looking at the wall. His hand brought my chin to look at him. "I'm serious Jug. I love you so much." I gave him a weak smile in return. He made me believe him slightly. But of course, I still had my doubts.
  He leaned down and left a kiss on my forehead. "My pretty little Jug." I scoffed and shook my head. "Thank you, Archie. Really, it makes me feel a lot better. But it's just not easy when your dating a literal god." I smiled and looked up again. His face held an unrecognizeable expression. "It's hard to compare to someone as perfect as you." His eyes softened and he leaned down again. He kissed my lips, very gently. It felt feather like, and I kissed him back. Then he pulled away to trail kisses over my neck. He murmured I love you quietly as he did so. Which I returned in a whisper. He pulled away to look at my face. "Jug, I really do love you. And I know you don't believe me when I say this, but you really are the most beutiful human being I've ever laid eyes on." I smiled and leaned up sit my arms around his shoulders. "I love you too Archie."

He slowly let his body put more weight onto mine, and reconnected our lips. His tongue moved swiftly through my mouth and he panted quietly. My hands pulled at the hair at the back of his neck. "A-arch." I whined as he grinded his hips into mine. I gulped and tried to keep calm. I hated sounding whiney. "Yea?" He panted as he shoved his hips down on mine again. I hummed and let my head throw back. "Please hurry." He nodded and kissed my collar bone.

  "You look so pretty babe." I just ignored him and pulled at his hair again. He slid my boxers down quickly and kissed over my left shoulder. I felt his lips move over my collarbone again, his tongue swiping over the sensitive skin there. He bit down harshly and I let out a low huff of breath. He stayed there for awhile, sucking and licking. When he pulled away he admired the wine colored hickey that he left there. I looked up at him as his eyes looked over my body. His eyes were filled with lust and his tongue darted out between his lips to wet them. Archie was one good looking person that I could admire forever.

He moved down to my chest and kissed slowly down my torso. Goosebumps arose on my skin from how soft he was going. He stopped right below my belly button and nipped at the skin there. My breath hitched and my hands went to his hair again. He came up to connect out lips again. He moved slowly, biting at my bottom lip and slipping his tongue into my mouth. I felt his hand travel down my side and he rubbed over my erection. I whined and hid my face in his shoulder, trying to stay quiet.

Our open mouthed kiss was slow and passionate, and the feeling went straight to my dick. His hand moved slightly faster and he bit down on my bottom lip. I groaned and whined into his mouth again. He pulled away from the kiss slwoly, a string of saliva still connecting us together. My eyelids felt heavy as I watched him look at me.

My breath hitched when gave my erection a squeeze and he stood up to get the lube. I was sitting there, legs spread, cheeks red, and very flustered. I could see his erection through his boxers, his very very tight boxers. I sat up and moved to my hands and knees on the bed. Then crawled to where he was standing and pulled them down. His dick sat against his stomach immediatly. He let out a low groan. I spit on my hand and pumped him a couple times. His chest was rising and falling quickly and his hands became tangled in my hair. When he tugged slightly I moaned. He shivered and I felt him twitch in my mouth. So, I moaned again. His hands tightened in my hair. "Jug, quit it before I cum." "And what's wrong with that?" I questioned. "I would like to last longer than twenty minutes." I licked his tip as he talked. He let out a little hiss and his hands tugged again.

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