19 | Real Life

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"I will be fine Grey, it's only a plane ride," I assured my older brother, who was holding onto me like I was leaving the country forever.

"What if he kidnaps you? He could be a stranger!" He anxiously said after letting me go. I dramatically gasped for air, making him roll his eyes.

"He won't kidnap me."

"You don't know that."

"Greyson Levi Durden stop acting like I'm moving away forever," I scolded. He opened his mouth, getting cut off by the intercom announcing my flight.

"That's me. I'll see you in a week, and make sure that Chloe doesn't burn the house down trying to cook."

"I'll make sure. Now go and see your boyfriend," Grey winked. I felt my cheeks heat up after he said that, making me not look at him while walking towards my plane. I got on, tripping over a cane that belonged to a man who looked about seventy years old.

"Sorry," I apologized as I made my way to my seat. I plopped down, buckling the seat belt over my waist. A woman with grey hair and wrinkles around her eyes who looked about the same age as the man with the cane sat down next to me, taking out a word search from her carry on.

"You look nervous about something, do you want to share?" The woman said kindly, reminding me of my own grandmother before she passed away.

"Sure. I'm visiting my friend and I guess I'm a bit nervous," I honestly said.

"Can I hear what he's like?"

"Sure, um, his name is Corbyn with a y not a i. He hates it when I spell his name wrong. He's a musician and is super kind and funny. He dyes his hair blonde for some reason, and loves his family and friends even if they annoy him. He loves photography and talking about the places he has visited," I described, smiling. Her hazel eyes sparkled after I finished speaking.

"Honey, from the way you described him, you like him. More than a friend. My daughters never described their friends, who were boys, like that," she smiled, making my face heat up. She returned to her word search, leaving me in shock.


"Thank you Margaret, I enjoyed talking to you and I hope that you have a nice time visiting your grandchildren," I said, hugging the elderly woman.

"I hope that you have a nice time visiting Corbyn and his friends," she smiled before letting me go. I spotted a familiar looking child with brown hair, making me walk towards him.

"Hey asshole, please tell me that you aren't alone. I don't feel like dying today," I greeted Zach, making him shoot me a glare.

"No, Corbyn went to the bathroom. He should be back soo-" he stopped, getting cut off by Corbyn running towards to where I was standing.

"Corbyn!" I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around his waist. He wrapped his arms around my back, hugging me tightly.

"Hey Kaycee."

"Okay love birds, I hate to interrupt, well not really, but we have to go before the rest of the guys think that we got kidnapped," Zach spoke, making my face heat up again.

Little did I know that he was also blushing.

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