25 | Real life

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September 10, 2018
I began to walk to one of my classes, remembering what Corbyn told me. No cussing at people and be nice. I felt my bodyinto someone. until I bumped into someone, making their books fall to the ground. "God, I'm so sorry." I heard a girl say.

"It's fine." I said, helping her get up from the floor and picking up her books.

I looked at the girl's features. She had dark brown hair that was kinda wavy, dark brown eyes, black glasses, and she was about five feet tall. "I'm Savannah." She introduced nervously.

"I'm Kaycee." I smiled.

"We better go before Professor White bites our heads off." I joked, making her laugh. She gave me her times-table, and I saw that we had all of the same classes.

"We have all of the same classes." I told her. She gave me a small, but genuine smile. We walked to class, luckily not being late.

"I have a feeling that we are going to be good friends." I whispered as we sat down in the middle section.

"I think so too." She whispered back.


"I'm thankful that we don't have anymore classes for the rest of the day." I told her as we walked to my dorm. We walked into my dorm, which wasn't far off campus. I sat down on the floor and began to do my homework.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"18." She simply replied, copying my notes that I took.

"I'm 18 turning 19 in December." I said.


I was in the middle of typing my essay, until my phone rang. I saw that I had a FaceTime request from Corbyn. I accepted it, and propped him up on some books. "Hey Kayce, what are you doing?"

"Essay, you?" I asked. Savannah was sitting next to me, playing on her phone. I wonder if she plays animal crossing?

I hate Tom Nook with a passion for making me bankrupt.

"We just finished a show, we're now all chilling in a hotel room." He said with his hair dripping wet. I wonder how they can stay up till two am after a show.

"For the millionth time Jonah, we aren't watch-, oh, hey Kaylee!" Zach cheered, still being an 'annoying brat' according to Corbyn.

"Hey loser, Jack, I want you to meet my new friend!" I said. Jack came up into view.

"This is Savannah, Savannah, this is Jack." I introduced.

"H-hey." Jack stuttered out. Aww, little Jacky poo has a crush. I need to set them up. "H-hey Jack." Savannah stuttered.

"GUYS, LET'S GO AND GET FOOD AT TARGET!" I heard Zach shout. Jack went with the other guys, and I typed a bit more. "Corbs, I don't know what to put in my essay." I whined.

"Well, you can put, Corbyn Matthew Besson is the hottest person on earth." He joked. I mean, he isn't wrong.

"No, I don't want to fail." I groaned, frustrated. What type of Professor expects me to write a fucking essay about myself? Fuck you English. We talked for a bit, and Savannah came in here and there. I hung up, and shut down my phone.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Yeah." I smiled, thinking back to summer when I went on tour with them. I liked pushing Zach across Target in a shopping cart.

"You like Jack, he never stutters in front of a girl that he doesn't like." I said, breaking the silence.

"I barely know the guy, and wait, how do you know each other?" She asked.

"They are in a band with Corbyn and he's my friend." I told her, turning off my laptop. We hopped up onto my bed, getting to know each other.

"Can I crash here?" She asked.


I made space for her to lay down and sleep next to me. "Night Sav." I mumbled, turning off the lamp that sat on my desk.

"Night Kaycee."

Zach-  Herrons_Heroin

Jack- Scoot_McCoot

Daniel- 5WDW_boys

Jonah- made up character

*edited 5/4/20

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