20 | Real Life

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"Ow! What the hell Kaycee!" Daniel cursed as I plucked his eyebrows. The boys all looked up from their phones, confused on what was happening.

"Stop being such a baby. I do this every two weeks, and I did Corbyn's brows last night and he wasn't whiny!" I protested, making all of them look at a beet red Corbyn. I heard Daniel mutter 'whipped' underneath his breath.

"There, I'm done."

"They look good," he said as he looked at himself from the camera on his phone.

"So Kaycee, what are you doing for Thanksgiving? It's tomorrow," Jack asked.

"I guess that I'll go out while you guys are with your families. My family hasn't celebrated Thanksgiving in years," I answered, fiddling with the sleeve of Corbyn's hoodie that he lent me.

"Stay. I-I meant that you should stay, we celebrate Thanksgiving together with all of our families," Corbyn blurted out, stuttering a bit.

"I'd like that."


"I need help and there isn't a girl in this house!" I said, pacing back and forth.

"I'm here! So this is the girlfriend, Corbyn get your ass out of here!" A blonde haired girl demanded, making him exit the room.

"You must be Ashley?" I asked, making her nod as she rummaged through my suitcase.

"Yes, wear these and these," she said, handing me a white cropped shirt and a pair of light/medium mom jeans.

"Why did you call me his girlfriend?" I asked as she made her way to the door. She zipped her lips shut, making me smile a bit.

"Thanks for helping me," I awkwardly said, making her shoot me a small smile before walking out and shutting the door.


"You'll be fine Kaycee. Everyone will love you," Corbyn assured as we sat in his room. Everyone was arriving from the loud talking that was going on downstairs.

"I don't know why I'm nervous. I've met many families before," I said, my knee bouncing as I spoke. He placed his hand on my knee, making my face heat up.

"Everyone will love you."

"Oh and Kaycee?" He asked as he was about to walk out.


"Make sure you let your cheeks cool down," he winked before walking out.

what the hell is going on with me?

*edited 4/28/20

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