Loving thy enemy 6

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Chapter 6

I heard someone calling out to me and felt the person shaking my shoulders.

I opened my eyes and saw Adi kneeled down in front of me. His face troubled he called out again " Anvi...."

I then rubbed my eyes and looked around.

I was on the terrace . And then all of today's events came crashing down on me . The fight with Neal , his visit to my house, my mom's slap....

I could feel the tears coming up again when Adi said softly . . "Sssh Anvi, calm down ,its all over."

"You have been up here since hours, its almost night time now and u should go home " he said.

"Noooo...Adi... Pllzz don't take me back there. I don't wanna go home" I cried through my tears.

He then picked me up and placed me on his lap lightly stroking my head .

"Its ok Anvi, You know your mom's temper . I can understand how bad it was to be slapped in front of Neal .

But trust me you should forget this as all other incidents.

"How did you know Neal was there?" I asked wiping away my tears.

"Well actually right after the incident when you ran home Neal dropped by my house. He narrated all that had happened and told me that you were here"

"Strange!" I thought.

Why on earth would he even be bothered to call Adi . He must have had a good gloat at my plight and must have called Adi out of pity my mind reasoned.

"Adi can I please stay at your place tonight with Nuha?? Plz I need to be alone tonight ." I pleaded.

"Hmmm.. of course Anvi u know u can stay by anytime" He said. " but first call up your dad and ask him for permission" .

I then wiped my tears. Ran my fingers through my hair trying to make it presentable and followed Adi to his house.

When I reached there Nuha greeted me at the door and gave me a sympathetic hug which I returned.

I then met his mom who gave me a warm hug and assured me that I shouldn't worry too much and all would be fine.

I then moved to Nuha's room and changed into my night suit which was already kept on the bed there. My girl friends and me had quite some sleepovers every month that we were bound to leave some clothes at each other's place.

After I had changed I sat on the bed and stared at the clock . It was about 10pm .

Nuha then entered her room and called me for dinner. Her mom was an awesome cook and her food sure made me better. I faintly remembered my last meal, which definitely was breakfast.

Nuha then spoke up , "hey Anvi I called Dea and Alice today night for a sleepover. Is it fine?"

I knew that she was doing it to lift my spirits and I feebly nodded. Nuha, Dea and Alice my three best girl-friends and we vowed to be there for each other whenever disaster strikes.

|I heard the doorbell ring and heard wild screams which signaled the arrival of Dea and Alice.

"Save me o lord" I thought.

And then began the sleepover.

Dea and Alice bought chocolate ice cream and Chick - -flicks to watch. Talking to them sure lifted my mood and I didn't feel that sorry for myself.

However I steered clear from telling them about Neal's green eyes, his weird expressions or anything related to him.

But Alice the clever one she was noticed how I totally avoided his name.

So she piped up and said " So Nuha you mean to say Neal came by and told Adi that Anvi was crying by herself on the terrace"


"Yeah," replied Nuha. "He looked pretty weird when he told us about the whole tripping thing and rushed out right after narrating it. Didn't wait for us to ask any questions at all" she said .

"wait he actually told them that he tripped me" ? I thought.

"So anvi what do you think about Neal?" "Why is he hell bent of ruining your life?" asked Dea.

"I don't know guys, hes plain weird. He just did that to embarrass me and ofcourse im sure by tomorrow he must have spread the whole story throughout the colony. " I replied.

"Hes not weird Anvi, just a loner guy. He doesn't make friends that easily, things just changed him. When I and Adi knew him he was real nice and stuff. " said Nuha.

"Look girls I have no idea why that asshole is doing this nor am I interested in knowing. Right now what I need is a good nights sleep. So goodnight and go to sleep! " I said as I lay down and pretended to sleep.

I heard a couple of good nights and the light was then switched off. I then repeated today's events in my mind . The image that was stuck to my mind was that of bright green eyes nothing else.

I cried to sleep thinking why does this always happen to me. Why does every moment have to be so hard?

And prayed to god hoping he would kind to me some day.

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