Be Immortal With Me

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**FORGET COMPLETELY ABOUT WHAT I SAID A FEW CHAPTERS BACK ABOUT THE SONG "MOONDUST" BEING THE THEME SONG OF THIS FIC. I FOUND A BETTER ONE. It's called "Bare" by WILDES and I hopelessly fell in love with it and couldn't help to compare it with this story. I recommend checking it out.

Anyway, here's another chapter (my favorite one yet) and I will get started right away with the next one. Who needs good grades when you got internet people to impress? 😉 **

15 January 1559

Arthur observed the wonderful chaos that surrounded him, using all five of his senses in order to capture the liveliness of it all:

An arrangement of stringed instruments playing happily could be heard from the far corner of the enormous room, though the sound of people talking, laughing, clapping, and shouting in triumph was beginning to drown out the uplifting music. All sorts of intoxicating smells tickled his nostrils, anything from freshly baked bread to red wine to glazed meat. He could feel the mild suffocation as there were many warm bodies packed into the banquet hall. He felt a little chilled with his back leaning against the stone wall where the snow outside had been gently falling and the slight breeze pushed itself against bare and slender trees. Even though there was much activity going on—with all the food being passed around, the fire flicking wildly in a nearby fireplace, and the many stirring or dancing guests hopping their way around the room—Arthur's gaze never left the newly queened Elizabeth Tudor.

How could he lose sight of such a creature? She was the brightest and most joyful one in all of Westminster Hall, in all of London perhaps. She sported long purple robes that flowed around her like a river whenever she twirled (which she was doing a lot of because she was happily dancing along with her guests). Her curly red hair acted the same way, bouncing against her sides and back. Sometimes she had to keep a steady hand upon the jeweled crown that sat atop her head. Right now, she was doing just that as her other hand firmly grasped Kat Ashley's right one, both girls spinning themselves an endless circle. He watched her throw her head back and laugh, the happiness and thankfulness clear on her face. He couldn't help but to slip in a tiny smile at the perfect sight.

"England, mi amigo, I believe I'm going to take my leave now."

Arthur turned and spotted Antonio strolling up to him with a relaxed smile upon his lips. He blinked, honestly forgetting that the Spaniard was still here. He then noticed his companion, Count de Feria, trail behind him, silently observing the party going on.

He looked back up at Antonio who clasped a dark hand upon his shoulder. "Tell your new queen that I said congratulations and I'm looking forward to working with her in the future. The coronation was a huge success and I appreciate you letting me attend it."

Arthur raised an eyebrow. "I'll pass on the message if you inform King Philip to stay away from any English affairs."

"Oh, I'll certainly try, but you know him; he's very interested with your rulers, more specifically their religion." His casual smile wavered and a low whine vibrated from his throat. When Arthur's expression of impassiveness didn't change, he sighed and ran a hand through his messy brown hair. "God, will the Inquisition ever end?"

Feeling somewhat guilty for bringing up the subject, Arthur added, "All things must come to an end at some point."

Antonio straightened up a bit and nodded back. "Si, I agree."

You can utter the lowest form of a compliment or comfort to this man and he'll treat it like you just gave him the fountain of youth, Arthur thought, not knowing how the Spaniard could do that.

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