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living on the southside of chicago definitely wasn't the best place to live, sure it seemed fine from far away but when you look closer you see how it really is.

broken down house, beat up cars, nasty neighborhoods, messed up gangs, drug deals, parties and all that crap you'd see in a movie about some fucked up place. well, that place is what i call home.

everything else in my life is pretty cliche to the movies too, alcoholic mom who always has a new boyfriend, an older brother named micheal who goes by mike. mike always likes to go to the club across town. and my little sister emma, she had big dreams of doing something with her life, i think she said she wants to be a vet but considering how young she is it might change one day.

then there's me, melanie who likes to go by mel. in my spare time i like to write songs, don't get me wrong i'm not an innocent little flower, i sell drugs, cigarettes and occasionally alcohol to try and get by in this shit hole.

i'm sure you're wondering why i haven't mentioned a father, well that's because he died when i was ten. it was a big adjustment but with the help of my family i got through it, i still get upset about it but i try not to let it bother me.

now when i say family i don't mean my dumbass mom and whatever man she brings home that night, i mean the gallagher family.

the gallaghers are like my family there's fiona the oldest who's basically the mother of her other siblings because their mother monica is a crackhead and their father frank is a deadbeat drunk. fiona and mike are the same age so they've always been good friends. then there's lip, his real name is philip but we call him lip since he likes it better.

lip and i are pretty close since we're the same age, we've been in the same classes since we first started going to school. then we have ian, ian is my best friend, i don't know what i'd do without him. next there's debbie, she's probably one of the only gallagher siblings that still have hope for frank, debbie and emma are best friends and are always together. and there's carl, he's well... he's carl, him and emma don't really seem to get along that well since they find each other obnoxious. and then there's the youngest sibling, liam. he's still a baby but he's the cutest gallagher there is.

so yeah, that's my messed up dysfunctional life story.

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