7. gossip and slander

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i was sleeping at lips when all the sudden someone walked into lips room

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i was sleeping at lips when all the sudden someone walked into lips room.

"lip?" the guy said making lip wake up.

"warren." lip said letting out a sigh.

"where's my paper?" warren asked.

"where's my money?" lip asked him as he got up.

"i got it." warren told him.

"okay. i wanna see it." lip said grabbing a pair of pants.

"thirty five right?" warren asked him.

"no, 50." lip told him as warren started speaking korean.

"stop speaking fake korean, warren. i never said 35. not for the paper i wrote you last month. not for the paper i wrote you last semester. not for this one. alright? it's 50." lip told him putting his pants on.

"can you do 36?" warren asked following lip around.

"no." lip told him.

"38?" warren asked.

"oh, warren, once again proving that koreans are the asian jews." lip said putting his socks on.

"that's racist." warren said.

"no, facts cannot be racist. many irish are drunks, many french smell, most chinese hate children. that's why they sell them to americans. now, the fact here is that you, the one korean i knew made a deal of 50 bucks for an original essay about the great goddamn gatsby yet, once again, you're trying to get me to lower my agreed upon price. okay? so i want you to give me 50 or gfy." lip said taking off his under shirt.

"gfy?" warren asked.

"go fuck yourself." lip said clearly as i laughed.

"who's that cutie." warren asked looking over at me.

"yeah, i agree with lip gfy." i said rolling my eyes as lip kicked warren out.

lip and i got ready and we walked downstairs, the rest of the family probably knew that we were dating by now since they saw us kiss at the wedding and we're always together.

"four hundred and thirty buck? lips flush this month." steve said.

"it's sat season." fiona told him.

"he's always flush during sat season." debbie said.

"sat?" steve asked.

"college tests." ian explained.

"he tutors?" steve asked.

"uh, no, he takes." lip told him with a small grin.

"okay, go play with your cars." fiona said to liam as she passed him to me.

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