100 Things You Should Know About Writing (Part 1)

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This is writing, as I think of it. Subjects covered will range from plot aspects to characterization, writing craft to simply surviving as a writer. 

Which means that keeping to one hundred things might be a bit of a challenge... 

Part 1 mainly deals with the aspects that create tension, although I did go off on a few tangents in order to give everyone a bit of a break. 

Section 1 introduces the idea that the first pillar that carries tension is the plot. 

After that, I discuss the various plot aspects that drive tension. These are sections 2 through 6. 

Section 7 introduces the idea that there's a second pillar that carries tension: Getting the reader involved through the characters.  From Section 9, I further explain that to get a reader involved, you need to bring him/her into the character's world and keep them there. This is done by releasing and revealing information as needed in order to 1) Get the reader to relate to the Point of View Character and 2) make it possible for the reader to understand and "live in" the characters' world. 

This is mainly done in Sections 9, 10, 11 and 13. 

After that, I go into other forms of information that pulls the reader in. This can simply be craft details, or it can be information that isn't characterization per se, but that does give more information on the character's personality, motivation and where it all comes from. 

Section 14 deals with showing and telling, since telling creates distance that makes it harder to keep a reader connected to a story. 

Section 15 deals with the various points of view a story can be written from, and which ones sacrifice the reader being drawn deep into the story in order to have a bigger scope. 

Section 16 deals with voice and style, which is the filter through which the reader experiences the story. If Voice is done correctly, it can in fact go miles towards a reader getting to know the PoV character. 

Sections 23 and 24 will deal with worldbuilding and internal logic respectively. Worldbuilding is important, as it helps the reader understand the characters and the reasons why things happen. Internal logic is the third pillar that makes tension possible. In fact, no story can truly stand without it. 

Part 1 will then close with Section 25: Pacing, the fourth pillar to tension. Since Pacing is also a craft aspect, I will discuss it in deeper detail in Part 2. 

As always, thank you all for being so wonderfully supportive. Today, 100 Things has had over 5000 reads and over 200 votes. Please do keep them coming!

Cover Image Copyright Misha Gerrick 2015

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