I'm a killer

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Harry's P.O.V.

"Here we are!" I'm snapped out of my trance I was currently in and sit up right instead of my normal slouch.

"What? where?"

"My boyfriends silly. " Niall giggles and I just shake my head furrowing my eyebrows.

"Ou....... right. " I say and look down at my hands and realize they are blood stained and once again I'm trapped in my aw stage.

"Harry....... you coming?" he says and I can see a hint of red creeping up his cheeks.

"Uh...... sure. " I just say shaking my head trying hard not to concentrate on my hands.

"Okay so uh I told him about you. Y'know daddy's boy rich nice kind caring and awesome my brother he thinks we are blood brothers okay so don't tell him otherwise my rep is riding on this. " He says fixing himself up to look presentable I suppose and I'm just trapped as I give in and stare down at my bloody hands.

"Are you alright?"






"Oh..... I need to pee sorry. " I just say finally looking up at Niall right before he can catch a glimpse of my hands.

"What are you so-"

"Hello?" he hears from behind the other side of the door.

"Hey babe!" Niall squeals and the other boy who I have yet to learn his name opens the door revealing himself. I cock my head to the side. Hm not what I imagined Niall's boyfriend to be at all. He has light brown hair it's sort of in a Mohawk type way in the middle with the rest is starting to grow out he has chocolate orbs and he is scruffy in a way that suits him. he is thin he is wearing a plain white T and black skinny jeans with white supras

"Hey..... OMG oh I'm so happy to see you!" He cheers and picks Niall off the floor twirling him around kissing him sweetly as I stand there watching bouncing awkwardly. (I'm bouncing to sell it just saying.)

" oh I'm sorry how rude of me...... Liam Payne. " He says sticking his hand out and I widen my eyes and clutch my member and bounce about.

"Uh..... I'm sorry mate....... i'd shake your hand..... but..... I-I gotta-"

"Oh right babe can he use your bathroom? sorry haz I forgot. " Niall says within Liam's arm looking down at me realizing I'm in his presence and have to go. He just nods and I nod back and he shows me the bathroom. I zoom in and I rush in and 'empty' my tank and I walk over to the sink. Above it is a huge mirror and I look inside and gasp. That's not me. That person within the glass is not me I never look like that. Do I? in it is me my hair is sticking up everywhere my eyes are fogged and are grey as if its winter my mouth is twitching my hands shaking and my blood is coursing through my veins everywhere but its odd cuz I can feel it as if I just injected heron or something. With that I gasp and back away from the sink I place my hands on my knees and lean forward panting concentrating on a single tile In front of me.

"I'm a killer. " I say out loud in a whisper manner and realize this that I'm feeling inside its not rage it's not hatred its not depression or guilt. No none of the above.... but simply....... love. I get a kick out of killing I can tell I enjoy it I enjoy the sensation of someone else's blood run through my fingers and stain them I enjoy their patronizing screams for help I like the fact that I take their last dying breath away. I like that I can get away with it I like how I stood up and fought for my life. I like that they would have to beg for their lives and I just plunge or gut them as if they're a rabid animal.

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