Chapter 19

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“Love?” I looked at Louis, just as another flurry of vomit came.

Holy shit, I have never had such a strong reaction to alcohol. How many drinks did I have last night? What was I even trying to do? Kill myself? Jesus.

“Man, it smells here.” Louis said with a digusted face expression, as he leaned and opened the small window, the only one in El’s bathroom. I didn’t really think that it would help, since the window was so small, but I kept my mouth shut. For many reasons.

Just as I was about to tell him to get out and leave me by myself to vomit my insides in peace, I threw up again. And again. And again.

“This isn’t good, bro. I have never seen you throw up this much. Maybe I should drive you to the hospital. You probably have alcohol poisoning.” Louis said and I could tell he was in a dilemma.

I barely managed to answered him, with every ounce of strength I had.

“And what are you? A fucking doctor? Shut up and bring me some water.”

Just as I finished my charming monologue, I vomitted again. God, why was I still vomiting, I literally had nothing left in my organism, not even liquids.

I’ve been drinking since I was 13, I couldn’t possibly have alcohol poisoning, right? Damn it, I should have listened that boring ass lady on health class, instead of sleeping.

“Here’s your water.” Louis appeared, carrying my drink.

I was afraid I was going to vomit this water within seconds, but I was so damn thirsty, I needed water so bad.

It had such a sweet, delicate, satisfying taste.

I’m out of my fucking mind and I probably have an alcohol poisoning.


“Yo, don’t chop off my head for saying this – but I think you should tell Perrie how you feel. She’ll forgive you.”

If I was a bit stronger, I would have kicked him in that dumb head of his.

“I have nothing to tell her. And she won’t forgive me. Not in this lifetime.” I said, laying down on the floor. Tiles were so cold and comfortable.

“You told me you were in love with her last night. She deserves to know about that.” Louis said, stubbornly.

“And why is that?” I asked, giving up. Damn you, Louis Tomlinson and your damn talkative nature.

“Because she is in love with you, too.”

His words made me flinch. He has said them so nonchalantly, so effortlessly, like he was 100% sure in their veracity.

I never properly thought about that, to be honest. I just assumed that I like her more than she liked me, ‘cause she has problems with my personality and I don’t have any with hers. I happen to love her damn personality.

“Trust me, Zayn. Trust me on this one. The way she looks at you tell me everything.”

Just the thought of her beautiful, incredibly blue eyes made me sad. I’ll probably never see them watching me with such love and intensity again. Her blue eyes will be full of hatred and disgust towards me.

“Wait a second – how and when did you see us together?” I asked, suspiciously.

“Oh, I’ve seen you guys a couple of times. I sneaked around a bit.” he admitted and I wasn’t surprised.

That’s what he did the best – hide and spy. Sneak around and steal.

No wonder I didn’t spot him. He was a natural talent.

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