Chapter 12

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Once we get in the car, I’m like a maniac. I’m a bit nerdish about the whole school thing, I’m never late on classes, I’m rarely absent, I regularly do my homework and study for tests. I’m not a straight A student, but I’m not that bad either.

“Drive like your life depends on it.” I instruct him, as soon as he starts the car.

“What’s the rush? Big deal, we missed the first class. I bet everybody missed me terribly on Psychology.” he mocks and I’m surprised for the second time.

“You’re on Psychology?”

“Yeah, but I took it because I didn’t know what else to take and Harry is already in that class, so he keeps helping me pass.”

Frankly, I’m a bit disappointed with his answer. By now I’ve learnt that there is more in Zayn Malik than you can see on the first sight, but I’ve also learnt that he doesn’t give a damn about school and subjects. God knows how he keeps passing every subject.

Even though he would never admit it, I’m pretty sure that every person has at least one subject that he/she likes and even though he doesn’t listen or study for test, I know that Zayn secretly likes that certain subject. Besides P.E. ofcourse.

When he said Psychology, I honestly thought for a second that it might be it, but now when he explained why he took it, I was without my answer once again.

“What are you thinking about so instensively?” he asks and I quickly choose the least interesting subject for him so he won’t ask me further about it.

“Some school project. Anyway, it is a big deal for me, how am I supposed to explain it to my parents?” Nice distraction, Perrie.

“Tell them that by the time you got to school, you realised you got your period and you didn’t have a tampon and you went home by bus to change and take tampons. Time fits perfectly.” he says and amazes me because that is one really good idea.

I raise left eyebrow and look at him and he laughs at my face expression.


“You’re good at this.” I admit.

“I have to be, I’ve talked myself out of the trouble for million times.”

“I’m actually gonna use that one.”

“Good girl. That will be our little secret.” he turns his head and winks at me and I laugh.

On my surprise, Zayn doesn’t just drop me off to the school, says goodbye on the parking lot and disappears – he actually walks with me to my locker.

“Don’t you have anywhere to be?” I tease him.

“Actually, no I don’t. I was late for the first class because of some blonde psycho girl.” he replies and I turn my head to give him “the look”.

I unlock my locker and start digging through it, putting books that I don’t need right now in Zayn’s strong hands, so he can hold them for me.

“Jesus, how many books do you have in there?” he asks, huffing at the pile in his hands.

“As many as I need.” I reply absently, checking to see if I have both my  Art book and notebook with me. My sketch book slips from my fingers and falls on the floor.

I’m about to pick it up when I hear Zayn’s voice.

“Did you draw this?” he’s on his knees and going through my sketches and I let out a girly scream before I take it away from him. He just stares at me with amusement in his eyes.

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