CHAPTER 11: All Out In The Open

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It's been a few days since Stone and I last spoke and I don't regret what I told him.

I don't know why but I have feelings for him to. Sure he is hot but really, after that talk that night and the fact that other than Chris, he is the one of the only guys I feel safe around. Also from the way he looks at me, I can tell he really does like me a lot.

Except for the other night and now that it's been a few days, I am not so sure I read the signs right. I don't know. I guess I will just let fate take its course and if it's meant to be it will be, right?

Chris was nice enough to give me the day off and since I was the only one home, I decided to order some food and just lounge around.

I went out in the backyard to go swimming and then afterwards, laid out in the sun for a little bit. Ignoring the new security cameras that Stone just had installed on top of his guys out front.

I was lying down with my eyes closed, relaxing when I suddenly feel something fall onto me.

When I quickly sit up and see it was a towel that's over me and covering me, I see standing in front of me, Stone.

"What the hell?!" I snap at him.

"Cover yourself will you?!" He says upset.

I get up and throw the towel back at him.

"Okay, first off, I'm not wearing anything revealing. It's called a tankini. And second of all, believe it or not, this is what you wear to lay out or go swimming. So calm the hell down, gosh you're so ridiculous!" I snap at him while stomping my way passed him and up towards my room.

"Ridiculous? Me?! You're the one laying out here so that anyone can see you or worse." He fires back at me as he follows me back into the house and behind me up the stairs.

"What does it matter Stone? You afraid someone is really gonna come and get me with all the security measures you have taken? Trust me, I think I'm okay." I snap at him.

Then right as I walk into my room and try and close the door, he stops it from shutting and pushes it wide open while making his way up to me and turning me around to face him.

"Fine! You wanna know the truth? I'm in love with you! There, you happy?" He snaps at me.

"No. I'm not. Because how do I know it's the truth? How do I know you're really telling me that and meaning it when you have shown me nothing but the opposite?" I tell him.

"Because from the moment I saw you, I felt something I never felt before. Then the other night when I looked into your eyes I just....I just knew." He admits.

Then before I have a chance to say anything, he kisses me. He smashes his lips onto mine and I can't help but kiss him back while wrapping my arms around his neck as he wraps both his arms around my waist and then not too long after we began making out, we continued to do so while he starts backing me up til I am up against the wall and hungrily he begins to kiss me on my neck as he moves one of his hands down onto my thigh where he lifts my leg up to his waist.

"Tell me to stop." He says against my neck.

"I don't want you to." I tell him.

His hands, tongue and mouth feels so damn good. In fact, so good that I quietly begin to moan as does he.

We then stop suddenly as we hear a knock on the door.

We both quickly start to adjust ourselves a little bit as we see that it's Trey.

"Woah. My bad." He says.

"What is it Trey?!" Stone asks pissed off.

"I need to talk to you both." He says.

Stone and I look at him and then at each other as Stone then takes my hand and we start walking out the room after Stone of course has me wrap a towel around me and we begin walking to the office downstairs.

After we step inside, Trey shuts the door behind him and as soon as Stone takes a seat behind the desk and right before I take a seat across from him, he has me go over to him and pulls me gently onto his lap.

Normally I would be worried I would break his lap but he didn't seem to make a noise or grunt or anything. I did however feel just how excited he was and looked at him and began blushing while biting my lower lip while he smiles at me.

"So, what do you wanna talk about?" Stone looks at Trey and cuts to the chase.

"Well, first of all, I wanna apologize to the both of you. Especially you, Eve. I'm sorry I said the things I did the other night. I know how Axel is and instead of defending him I should've just defended you. Show you more sympathy. I really do hope you can forgive me." He says while sounding genuine.

"It's okay Trey. You didn't know the extent." I tell him.

"Thanks Eve." He says then looks at Stone. "Stone, I um..." He began but Stone put his hand up and stopped him.

"Don't worry about it. I know you weren't in your right mind. But, I never want to hear about you or anyone ever disrespecting her in that way again, understand?" Stone threatens Trey.

"I do." Trey replies.

"Fine. Anything else?" Stone asks.

"Yeah, uh, tomorrow night is Char's birthday and she asked if you and Eve would join us for a nice dinner? It's at a place that's outside of town." He says.

I look at Stone as he looks at me. Then I look at Trey.

"We'll go. Let's meet here and we'll all go have a nice dinner." I smile.

"Alright. I'll let her know." Trey says with a smile.

"Okay, text me or have her text me the time and everything." I tell Trey.

"Will do." He smiles and then says goodbye and leaves.

"Who says I wanted to go?" Stone asks me with a smirk.

"Well, I just figured since you need to protect me and that I wanna go, it just makes sense, right?" I smile at him.

"Right." He smiles.

We then begin making out with each other.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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