CHAPTER 8: My Sister

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As soon as I had gotten home, I found that I wasn't tired so I ended up going into the garage to work on one of my other bikes.

I hadn't been home and working on the bike for even two hours when I heard a car pull up to the curb in front of the driveway.

I looked to see it was Chris' car and as he get's out, I see him run over to the passenger side and open the door to help out a shaken and upset Eve.

I stand up and grab a rag on the tool chest beside me and try to clean off my hands.

Then as Chris and Frank start walking up the driveway towards the front door beside her, I notice Chris looks at me and then has Frank continue to take Eve towards the house while he walks up to me.

"Is Trey here?" He asks me.

"He's asleep." I tell him as I take the last drink from my beer.

"Thanks." He says then storms into the house which I of course followed after him since I have never seen this guy all fired up.

As soon as I opened up the door and walked inside the house, right there in the living room, I saw that Frank was sitting down with Eve on the couch while Chris was yelling at Trey.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" Trey yells at Chris.

"I'm warning you that if your cousin and that fucking nasty little.bitch ever fucking come near Eve again, I will kill him, do you get me?" Chris says to Trey.

"The fuck you will! Besides, she's a big girl, she could have said something, she could have left anytime!" Trey fires back at Chris.

"Of course you would say something as idiotic as that! You are way too blind to fucking see that your cousin doesn't even deserve to be breathing right now! You either need to take care of it or I fucking will! And that isn't a threat, it's a fucking promise!" Chris tells him.

I'm not sure what's going on exactly but I would love to know what Chris was talking about with Axel.

"What the hell is going on?!" I demand as though I haven't already been standing in the front doorway, watching and listening to it all.

"I have to tell them." Chris says as he looks at Eve for permission.

She just nods her head. "Okay." She says.

Chris then looks at me and begins to tell me.

"For years, Eve has been threatened, beaten, assaulted and treated like shit by Axel and Rosalie. At least up until the day she moves in here. Except that Axel keeps fucking threatening her and tonight, he was gonna hurt her. And I'm fucking sick of it and REFUSE to let this fucker get away with shit!" Chris explains and to be honest, I'm glad I ain't the only one that see's Axel for the piece of shit he really is.

I look over at Trey. "So? What are you gonna do about it?" I ask him.

"Right now? Nothing. You guys have no evidence and no offense to Eve, but she is a big girl that has not complained yet or said anything to anyone about any of this shit." Trey begins.

"Yeah because the Cunt and Douche bag have threatened her and assaulted her into silence. Why the fuck can't YOU see it?" Chris interrupted Trey.

It becomes silent for a moment before anyone of us says anything.

I then look at both Frank and Eve and say, "Take her upstairs."

Frank and Eve both start walking upstairs to her bedroom and close the door.

I then look at both Trey and Chris.

"Don't fucking start dude." Trey says while rolling his eyes.

"Shut up. Now first of all, this is my house. You don't disrespect me in my house or tell me what to do. And second of all, Chris is right. For some reason, you don't see what everyone else does when it comes to Axel. And for me to hear the shit he just told you that he had been doing to her? Have you already forgotten what happened to my sister?" I remind him.

"Bro, this has nothing to do with her." Trey says.

"Look, I'll tell you what's going to happen. I'm gonna have Axel under surveillance and be watched for the next month. That way we can see who is lying and who isn't." I suggest to them.

"This is fucking ridiculous." Trey says.

"Hey, I know he's your cousin. That's why there should be no problem with me giving both of you the benefit of the doubt." I tell him.

Then both Chris and Trey glare at each other before agreeing. "Fine!" They both say.

"Good. Now let's shut it down for tonight." I tell them.

We all go our separate ways. With Chris and Frank leaving while Trey heads out to go and get Char from work at a club she dances at and then I put things away in the garage and head inside the house.

Before heading into the house I can't stop thinking about my sister and how Trey was the only one that knew about her death.

I got so defensive and filled with the same amount of rage I had once I found out what happened to my sister and that the men who raped her, stalked her and then killed her, were acquitted.

After I put things away and closed up the garage and headed inside towards my bedroom, I stopped at Eve's bedroom door and knocked.

"Come in." She answered.

I opened the door up and saw her sitting on the edge of her bed and looked as though she was crying.

It was in that moment that I looked at Eve a different way and saw that I had her all wrong. And just like I felt when I did when I found out what happened to my sister, like shit and guilt.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) The next one will be a good and deep discussion between them both.
I know this story is going in a different way than I usually do, but again, when I put it in a book form, there will be more in between detailed moments. :)

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