Chapter 27 (Part 2 of 2)

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Haaaaii! Anyways this isn't even really a probably wont even be a full page. Its because Wattpad wouldn't let me update Chapter 27, so I had to post what I already had writen...BUT THE CHAPTER WASN'T DONE! D: I'm so sorry I'm getting lazy on updating! I've decided that i will start updating EVERY Friday and sometimes during the week if I have time. The problem is that I am busy almost everyday then I get home and go to be because I am so tired! Okay, so a new chapter might not be up THIS Friday, because Wednesday and Thursday I am going to a lake house and then Friday I am going shopping for outfits for a photoshoot I am doing. So this week might be an exception and a chapter will be posted NO LATER than Monday night! This book is almost completed sadly, probably only 5-10 chapters left...its so sad :( Okay, well enjoy the rest of the chapter! Byeeeee loves!! :)


*Kayleigh's POV*

When the elevator finally arrived, Jason grabbed my hand and towed me through the lobby. We earned strange looks from guests checking in. Probably because of my apperance if I had to guess.

We walked through the glass doors and headed down the street to the bank. Once inside, I sat down with a teller who gave me my debit card, and explained the account information to me. I had to fill out some paperwork to have the account changed to my name. Once everything was completed,, I grabbed Jason from the lobby and towed him to the mall.

Jason was obviously annoyed with having to go shopping. I mean, he has a mom and a sister, so he must know how girls shop. I dragged him to the first store I saw, Holister.

"Hi, welcome to Holister," Jason said from behind me. "Would you like a flashlight, earmuffs, or a gas mask?"

One of the workers gave him a dirty look, so I turned around and slepped his arm.

"Hey!" He yelled, dropping my hand. I just ignored him and kept walking.

After trying on the clothes I picked, I walked to the register and paid for my stuff. I then continued on to the rest of the stores, Jason complaining the whole time.

I walked in to Maurice's, the final store I wanted to go in. I"m in the dressing room, trying on a pair of skinny jeans. I pulled up the zipper and buttoned them, walking out of the dressing room to stare at myself in the full length mirror. Jason sat in a chair, his eyes lazily following me as he sighed heavily. I tried my best to ignore him, but the he started tapping his foot, and that sent me over the edge.

"What's your problem?!" I snap.

Jason glares up at me. "Oh, I don't know! Maybe it's the fact that I haven't seen you in almost a year, and all you want to do is shop! You don't even want to spend time with me!" He said sarcastically.

"Well, excuse me for needing clothes after I was trapped with nothing!" I shout back. I sighed and walked back into the dressing room, pulling my clothes back on and gathering my stuff. "If you don't want to be here, go home!"

And with that, I stormed out of the room, out of the store, out of the mall. Once my feet hit the pavement, I broke into a sprint, hands clutching my shopping bags.

I finally made it back to the hotel and ran up the stairs to my room.

I decided to take a shower and put on fresh clothes.

Once I was clean and clothed, I pulled out my new iPod that I had bought and had loaded with music at the store. I pushed the earbuds into my ears and pressed play. "Moments" by One Direction came on, and I fell asleep to the sound of their godly voices echoing into my ears.

"Oh I'll find the words to say, before you leave me today..."

My dreams were blank. Nothing came to mind when I slept. Just black emptiness. It reminded me of my life now. Emptiness.

I was awaken shortly after falling asleep by a hand shaking my shoulder and a voice calling my name. Jason.

"Kayleigh! Wake up! Please wake up! We have to go! They"re here!"

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