The Mastermind part 1

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By: Tristen R.

The Story Before The Story


20 year old Ron Master was once a average citizen of Randor the the Capital planet of the United communist Empire which was run by The Masters But one day his life changed forever...

Chapter 1:

Ron was on his way to work at the Titanium factory in the 3rd mining district of Randar in the BlackWood Dessert, which Ron thought was odd because how could a dessert have trees in it? Even if it was dead wood like BlackWood trees. If only Ron had took biology class to know why in community high school, Ron was lucky to get into high school because the education council was very selective about who got accepted in to high school because they didn't want to waste time and resources on those who would not use them to benefit the Empire later on.

As Ron turned onto the road into the factory in his "W-67 Planet Roamer work series" vehicle that he had got with the remainder of his school savings when he turned 19. His dad had died in the coal mines when He was 5 and his mom worked to death in fabric factory 3 years before so he had no parents and could not be supported by his parents who had been pretty poor, but he was fine with that and he thought he was lucky to be alive under the rule of the masters.

Chapter 2:

Finally when I made it to the end of the road john the security guard posted at the main gate took My pass-card and said,

"Have a good day Working hard, haha" sarcastically

I said, "when don't I have to work hard..." Under my breath.

9 hours later

I had no idea what time it was and I really didn't care because I got used to the no time, no sun, only lamps to lead your way atmosphere in the mine. It was a sad and hard existence down here but the money kinda helped and why should someone care for such a unimportant worker in this society, sometimes I think corporate sees us regular workers as little pieces in there large scale plans or not humans like them, like sub-human zombies that don't deserve anything and love to work and should be grateful for anything we get. But that's not how it is, one day someone is going to have to stick up for us "lower people" and today I hear is that day...

Chapter 3:

I woke up after I had fell asleep of fatigue from my lack of sleep, I had a hard time sleeping because of the oil smells in the mine had made me sleepy. And I saw a strange light under the door to the Herald room (the room where news and announcements came from) and I decided to investigate even tho it was a lack of judgement because if I was very tired from the lack of sleep I would of never went in that room because 1: It was restricted when it had no PUBLIC sigh over the door and 2: I didn't want to know what terrible events or brain washing propaganda that the empire and the mining company has been doing in the past to make you feel like you had to work more, or you should be happy to be "protected" by the empire was host to. but that was a half truth, half lie. They kinda protected there citizens from foreign attacks from the many invasion campaigns the empire needs because of crowded growing population problems in the empire. But, on the opposite side of the line the empire is a communist ruled nation that is terrible and disrespectful to its citizens.

But, I still entered the door and there was a big surprise behind that old, rickety, wood door that I was not expecting that would change my life and others forever...

To find out what happens you will have to read part 2 of my book. Thanks for reading. And I will be trying to make part 2 more action packed and exciting, this was more of the backstory before the real story

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