Part 3

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» What the hell «<<

So this summer sucked. Ethan got into so much trouble that we barely got to hang out. He came over some times and we talk, watch movies and cuddle but once he checked his watch he always had to leave. So to find out what was up I went over to Fiona's house.

F: hey what's up Nia?
N: do you know what's up with Ethan?
F: um...I don't know if we should tell you
N: i'll be fine just tell me please
F: he...his...he's been selling drugs

I got filled with so much anger and Fiona could tell. She told me he was in his room so I jumped on him and was acting like everything was normal. Until I hit him open handed across the face.

E: what the hell?!?!
N: what the hell me?!? It should be me yelling at you why the hell are you selling drugs?!?
E: oh, so big and bad now control me if you wanted but you can't and why do you care so much huh?
N: because...
E: because why!?!
Because I love you
N: because we're dating and I should care if I want to
Fuck that's not what I wanted her to say
E: oh yeah well guess what?!?
N: what?!?
E: I love you....
N: *lays on bed* I love you too Ethan...


I love you too Ethan those words playing over and over and over in my head. I turned on the TV and she went to YouTube.

E: babe what are you doing?
N: watching a scary video made by Markiplier.

Oh my fucking God she's such a nerd but I fucking love it. She turned it on.  She cuddled into my arms and I wrapped my arm around her stomach. She snuggled and clenched my arm whenever the scary parts came up. After that I put a movie on and she got bored so she just layed on me and kinda fell asleep i felt bad when I woke her up. I didn't even know she was asleep. As we cuddled I could feel her breathing heavily and she latched onto my hand.

N: *sits up*
E: hey you okay?
N: yeah just lay back down

I layed back down but when I looked at her again she looked at me with a sad look. I kind of sat up but she came down first and told me to never leave her. I said I wouldn't and she hugged me tighter. I didn't mean for her to feel like that I know she got hurt in her last relationship but I didn't know that it her so much that she over thought what we have. I held onto her hand and kissed her forehead and she layed back down. "Ethan?"
"Yes Nina"
"I love you"
"I love you too babe"
I love her so much. I never wanna lose her and if I did it would be the worse thing that would ever happen. But she's gonna make me quit my job and Tbh I've only been doing that for us. So that when she does want a future with me ill have money. Okay well anyway schools starting and it's most likely that I will hurt her but I don't wanna hurt her. Plus she's like super hot and all the horny guys at my school are gonna be all over her. I'm such the jealous type. I know she won't go with those assholes though she's smart and nerdy but it's kinda hot. God I am a perv FUCK!! But what if my anger issues kick in I've been trying so hard not to let them get a hold of me. What if those guys touch her ass or something??

My One And Only~Ethan CutkoskyWhere stories live. Discover now