Part 18: A long time ago

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~Nina's Pov~

Me and Ethan have been dating for almost a year now and things of been getting really rough. We've gotten into a lot of arguments and it's just not going well. It gotten to the point where he's thinking about going to military camp. I obviously don't want him to leave but everything thats been going on maybe its best for him.

~Ethan's Pov~
Fiona's yelling again.

''Ethan!!'' She yells, i have no clue how she hasn't lost her voice for yelling yet.

''What!'' i yell kind of mad that she woke me up.

''Get your ass up!'' She answers. I don't know why she wants me up.

''Why!?'' I don't understand.

''Go get the fucking mail!''


i don't want to because it might be my acception letter to go back military camp. I don't wanna leave Nina it would be the worst but things have gotten so hard around here.

I walk outside and get the mail. I come back inside. And i look through the mail. I walk into the kitchen.

''Lip,'' i say throwing it to him from the counter.

''Ian, from Mickey,'' i say tossing him his.

''Fiona,'' sliding it to her since she's right across from me.

''Me,'' I say staring at it. I don't want to go at all. It just a nightmare im gonna wake up at any second. I close my eyes hard then open them its still in my hands ugh. I hand it to Fiona. She opens it and tells me.

''I have to tell her,'' i slowly say about to cry.

~Nina's Pov~
Ethan hasn't talked to me in days im getting worried.

hey nina

nina beana
whats up?

has Ethan talked to you lately

nina beana
no hes been avoiding me why?

oh hes been gone since he found out he's going to military school

Hes going and he wouldn't tell me why. Why is this happening? Long distance never works out ugh. No! This cant be it! He's not leaving. He is God dammit!

my moon
i know that your going to military school. im not mad. i just wanna cherish these last moments together so if you want you can come over and we can watch major pain.

I shut off my phone and lay on the couch. I hear the door jiggle and i look up as Ethan enters. He sits down next to me and we begin the movie. He grabs onto my hand and kisses it.

ya know our one year is in two days

yeah i know

then what are we doing in your house

being weird

i wanna take you some where


We stand up and grab our long boards. We ride past the school, the grocery store, and the police department. We turn on a street I've never been on. We get off our boards and we walk through a field. We then walk into alot of rocks and a cliff. There's a cave. He takes me to it. We sit down and he holds my hand while we're just staring at the beautiful view. I don't want this to ever end.
He then gets up and i stand up too. i wipe off my pants and look back up.

sorry guys left on a cliffhanger. so sorry i havent been updatung lately i know I've been a lazy smol bean sorry but i hope you guys like the chapter.

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