Part 4

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>>» Bitch The Fuck You Just Do «<<

~time skip~Nina~

So mine and Ethan's relationship is going great. We started school and have almost every class together. I was walking through the hallway today and I was getting some stuff out of my locker and a guy comes up behind me and grabs my ass and I jumped. I turned around and slapped the guy.

Guy: bitch
Nina: I have a boyfriend back the fuck up
G: maybe you shouldn't be so hot
N: maybe you shouldn't be so horny
G:*gets closer to Nina and kisses her*
E: why the hell you touching my girl for?!?!
G: *turns around*
E: Anthony! What the fuck! You know I'm dating her!
A: Sorry man just couldn't keep my hands off her look how hot she is!
E: I fucking know she's my girlfriend
N: *runs over to Ethan*
A: you little slut acting like you didn't like the kiss you little bitch
N: I didn't like the fucking kiss because Ethan's are better and your just a horny little bastard that doesn't know how to keep his boner to himself.
A: *jaw drops walks over to Ethan but instead hits Nina*
E: Bitch the fuck you just do *hits Anthony and he falls to floor with a bleeding lip*
A: your gonna pay for that
E: yeah because you're so big and bad

I didn't want Ethan to get into fights over me but to be honest it was really cute I like it when he gets  protective over me. But right after Anthony got up a teacher came and we all acted like friends but I could tell by Ethan's death glare that he wasn't trying very hard to be nice.


Anthony really pissed me off so to show her and him that's she's only mine we skipped school and things got sexual. I was playing with her and she was moaning into my chest. She got really wet after a while and we went back to her house. I told her to go upstairs and get dressed into something slutty and I'd grab a bottle of vodka. I went into her room and oh my god I saw the most wonderful thing ever. ~Warning smut~ she was laying on her bed her stomach facing the ceiling with her eyes on the phone. I brought some soda up too. I gave her a cup and she chugged it down instantly. Damn she's so hot. I bent down between her legs and started moving my fingers through the hole is her laced underwear. She moved to get comfortable then layed there still. I put my finger in her and her back arched just enough to make it even worse when I put my second one in. After pumping in her for a few minutes I took of her underwear. I stuck my fingers back in her while I was licking her clit and she clenched onto my hair. I got up and omg her curves and her everything she's so beautiful. She started blushing as she noticed I was staring so I bent over and I kissed her cheek softly and she turned her head. She looked at me and wrapped her arms around my neck and brought me into a deep kiss. We went into a great make out session then she rolled on top of me. Through my pants she was grinding on me. I grabbed her waist and thrusted her back and fourth until I couldn't take it anymore. I flipped her over and pulled all her underwear off. I took all my clothes off and took out a condom slipped it on and just as I was aligning myself to her entrance she stopped me.

N: babe?
E: yes love
N: go gentle on me please
E: baby?
N: yeah
E: have you never done this before
N: no I haven't
E: ok baby ill go gentle


He aligns himself to me again and I grab the bed sheet right as he enters me. Omg he's so big. As he thrusts in me the pounding sound of his hips hitting mine I begin to moan. I tell him to go harder and faster and he does. He puts his hand on my clit and begins to run circles around me. I start to moan louder he thrusts harder. He says he's about to but I stop him I take the condom off and start to suck on him. Pumping the rest to him that my mouth couldn't cover. Throwing my tongue in circles around his tip. I here moaning and all of sudden he lets go I take it in and swallow. He comes over kisses me and licks my lips. I thought was a little weird since it was his but also kind of hot.

E: babe?
N: yes babe
E: did you cum?
N: no
E: ima make you cum
N: go for it


Okay so I hoped you guys liked this chapter I don't know if I'm any good so comment and tell me please but anyway so I hope you guys like the next chapter. And please don't hate me if this one isn't good it's my first book.

My One And Only~Ethan CutkoskyWhere stories live. Discover now