Nicknames/Names in the phone

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Lil chapter till I finish the parents for the axis

2P!America/Allen: He calls you doll or babe, because he likes the way it causes blood to rush to your face and make you bury your face into his jacket. In his phone however, your name is 'Light Of My Life'. When you first saw this you squealed, leaving him with a blush and him muttering about how he was going to change it. You tend to call him Al, but sometimes, when you need to calm his angry ass down, you'll call him handsome or master. In your phone, he is known as 'Alley Boy', considering thats where you met. He smirked when he figured that little fact out. 

 2P!England/Oliver: He often calls you poppet, or sometimes cupcake when you act childish. He likes poppet because the word poppet means a pretty or a sweet child, (I looked it up) and cupcake was what he used to call Allen when he was a child. In his phone you are 'My Beloved'. He chose this name because he loves you nearly to death. You tend to call him Ollie, but on certain occasions, he is the cupquaker, because he makes kickass cupcakes. In your phone, he is known as 'The Gentleman'. He was confused as to why you chose this name, and you simply explained that he was the only gentleman in your life. 

2P!Canada/Matt: He calls you maple (ARE WE SURPRISED). He calls you maple because you are as sweet as maple syrup. The same name lingers as your contact name. You simple call him Matt, but if he is jealous or pouting, you'll call him Lil Mattie, just to annoy him. His contact name is 'Mr. Mattie Maple Man'. He just laughed when he saw this for the first time, and still snorts about it sometimes. 

2P!Russia/Viktor: He doesn't do well with nicknames, but sometimes, if your angry, sad, or pouting, he'll call you dear or sweetheart. That just tends to make your heart melt, and make you forget about your bad day. But when the day has been extremely bad, he'll call you his little girl. (remember the kink he has). You'll smirk, and play along. In his phone, you are his 'Sunflower'. You blushed when you first found out. On the bad days he has, he is Master. Thats all. Same with the contact name.  

2P!China/Zao: He calls you tiger lily, because you are fierce like a tiger, but can be as gentle as a lily. In his phone you are 'Cupid', because you "shot an arrow of love into his heart." To you, he is Hot-stuff, but in your phone, he is 'Savior', because you feel like he saved you from your horrid relationship. 

 2P!France/Francois: You are known to his as Cherie, which is 'darling' in his language. Sometimes, he'll call you Ma Petite Colombe, which means 'My little dove'. You blushed when both nicknames stumbled from his lips. In his phone, you are 'Cherie'. To you, he is Francois, not only because he HATES pet names, but also because you love the way it rolls off your tongue. In your phone, he is known as 'My Love', because that is what he is to you. You love him so much, so you figured his contact name should show it. 

2P!Germany/Lutz: He calls you Mein Schatz, which means 'My treasure' in German. To him, you are his greatest find. You blessed his dark world with laughter and joy and sunshine. He wants to protect his precious treasure at all costs. In his phone, your contact names is Mein Seele, which (I think) is German for 'My soul'. Your heart just melted when he stuttered out an explanation for it. To you, the word 'Bear' tends to tumble from your lips. He can be very cuddly and sweet, but will cause harm to anyone who disturbs you or him. In your phone, he is known as 'My Eye Candy'. Because he is just so handsome to look at, you just had to make his contact name match how you felt about him.  

2P!Japan/Kuro: He will often call you your name and just end it with -Chan. He thinks of you as a little girl, and thinks your nickname should match. In his phone, you are Hana, which means 'Flower' in his language. He often comes home with flowers to put in your hair. You call him 'Assassin', because he of his career and his skills. Same with his contact name. 

2P!Italy/Luciano: He calls Mi Amore, which means 'My Love' in Italian. He believes a proper name such as my love is suitable for the woman of his life. Your name in his phone is 'My Passion'. He was trying to come up with a cute name, when he suddenly thought of the name. To you, he is Mr. Right, because you believe he is the one you will be with until the end of your days. In your phone, he is 'My future Hubby', which will change when I get around to writing the marriage chapters. 

2P!Prussia/Gillen: He calls a bunch of different names, his favorite though is 'Juliet', the character in Shakespeare's play, 'Romeo and Juliet'. The contact name is the same. Going with the tragic play, you tend to call him 'Romeo' when he's sad. It often cheers him up, so you stuck with the name. 

2P!Romano/Flavio: He calls you 'Ficco Di Neve', which means 'Snowflake' in Italian. But in his phone you are known as 'Tinkerbell', because you are dainty and light, much like her. To you, he is  'Teddy bear', because he loves to cuddle and hug you. In your phone, he is 'My fashion lover', because he loves fashion, and he loves you, so you figured that you would combine the two together. 


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