How you guys kiss/ fav spot to kiss <3

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Not much to update, hope you guys are doing alright with the chapters!

Allen: Allen will swoop you up into him, while you hook your legs around his waist. Your lips collide in passion and adoration. These kisses often occur when one of you has had a bad day. The other form of kiss Allen and you share are the more gentle and sweet ones in the morning. Allen tends to be a little more lovey in the morning due to the fact that he doesn't get to see you again until 3-4 o'clock in the afternoon. Allen tends to shower you with affection after work, and kissing is his favorite way of showing you he cares. His favorite spot is your forehead, while yours is his chest, considering both are right there.

Oliver: Oliver's kisses are sweet and gentle, just like him. If he has had a rough day at the bakery, you know how to make him feel better with kisses. He absolutely loves the feeling of your soft lips glide across his, and how they fit like a puzzle piece. Similar to him, if you have had a rough day at work, Oliver with come over and press gentle kisses to your cheek, forehead and nose.. His favorite place is your nose. He loves watching your nose scrunch up and hearing your giggles. Your favorite place is his forehead, it tends to calm him the most.

Matt: Matt loves it when you are cuddling in bed and you'll lean up and press a kiss to his jaw, then he'll lean down and press a kiss to your temple. Its a little game for you two until your lips lock together. The small kisses mean the world to him, and once you figured that out, you fell even more in love with him. He also likes to lay on you and press kisses into your collarbone, not in a sexual way, he just likes to kiss you there. His favorite place to kiss you is your collarbone, and he's not sure why. Your favorite place to kiss him is his jaw, because of how firm and strong it is.

Viktor: Because of his kink, Viktor's kisses tend to be a bit gentle and sweet, much like a father to his daughter. Not that you hate them, because Vik also showcases a more passionate, lovers kiss when you two are lying in bed after a long day. Viktor's favorite place to kiss you is your forehead, due to the kink and it being right there, while you like you like to kiss his cheek, because you have to stand on your toes, and those kisses often lead to a full kiss on the lips.

Zao: Zao and his kisses are pretty similar;sweet and short. Because Zao does not want you to feel pressured, he often doesn't give you longer kisses unless you are to one to start them. He doesn't want make you uncomfortable, so he usually waits until you instigate the longer ones before drawing out the kiss, knowing he has consent to do so. Zao likes to kiss your cheek, due to those kisses being sweet and short. You like to kiss his lips, which start the longer and more passionate kisses.

Francois: Francois is a laid back lover, so kissing isn't rare, but it doesn't occur as often as it would with someone like Allen. He likes it when you start the kisses, because he likes the dominant side of you, he finds it sexy and those kisses lead to more...passionate intimacy, if ya know what I mean. His favorite place to kiss you is your shoulder, because he will often come up behind you and wrap his arms around you, pressing his lips to your shoulder or shoulder blades. You like to kiss his jaw, the stubble on his chin brushing against your soft lips often sparks something in you. ;)

Lutz: Lutz will do anything to make you laugh, giggle or squeal. So his kisses tend to be multiple in a row, and tend to induce giggles or squeals, depending on where he places them. Often, they are on your cheeks, nose and mouth. Those are his favorite places to kiss you, after all. While you like to kiss his shoulder, due to the hugs you two share.

Kuro: Kuro doesn't show you very much affection in public, but he makes up for that in private.

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