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Still the writing style, this chapter and one more after then back to the original! I have a fabulous idea from someone to write a few chapters for after this! This chapter gets a little gruesome, so please DO NOT READ IF SENSITIVE!

Nothing could ruin the moment you two were sharing as you danced. Or, so you thought. A loud bang pierced the gentle song, snapping everyone out of the daze they were in. Another bang rang out, and this time pain in your shoulder swiftly followed. Everyone bolted out of the room, cowering or hiding in fear. You began to fall, B/n, catching you. Worry was the first emotion in his eyes, very quickly changing to pure, unadulterated rage. Gently laying you down away from the commotion, he caught a figure bolting out of site, desperate to escape him. Rage and pure blood lust forced him to move, making him run faster than he'd ever run before. 

Catching the man, he yanked the hood off. Fear filled eyes stared back. The eyes of your ex boyfriend. His hand shaking, he had dropped the gun he used to attempt to kill you with. "You really think you can get away with the act you just committed? You hurt the woman who holds the heart of a monster. And what sucks for you is that she had tamed the beast. Then you had to go and force it to be released." A deranged grin spread across your husband's face. Pulling the ex mere inches from him, "You will pay for your heinous act. Severely." 

Slamming the man against the wall, B/n wrapped a hand around his throat. Just enough to weaken him. Allowing the man to attempt to crawl away, he taunted him by slamming his heel down on to your ex's hands, causing him to wail in pain. Withdrawing a small blade, B/n slammed his foot down onto your ex's back, causing another cry of pain. "You really didn't think this through." Pulling the man's head back, cutting his forehead open, allowing blood to gush. Flipping the man onto his stomach, he sliced through the thin material of his clothing. Raising the blade, your husband brought it down multiple times upon the man's body, each stroke forcing a shriek or whimper of pain from him. "Please, I beg of you, mercy!" B/n froze. "You have to be joking." Raising the man to him again. "You are in absolutely no position to be asking for mercy. You should have thought about this before you shot MY wife." Throwing the man down onto the ground, he brought his heel down on the man's skull over. And over. And over. And over again. 

His once pristine suit now stained with dark red, sticky blood. The curb stained the same. He sighed, pulling his phone out. "Yeah, he's dead. He attempted to kill my wife. Ok, see you soon. Bye." He paused for a moment. You, his wife. After so long. Finally united after so long. The panic set back in. Were you okay?? Desperate, he rushed back into the hall. Finding you, almost lifeless. Tears slowly ran down his cheeks. After finally having you, he would not lose you. But would you make it? Who knows? Will you? 

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