When you get hurt

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Hey guys! i'm gonna be taking a break from the wedding scenes, and focus on building up the book a little more! Don't worry, they will return shortly! On with the story with our boys <3

Allen: He had been in a bad mood when he came home, murmuring curses under his breath and being slightly more aggressive with objects. You were getting ready to set the table for dinner, and you had dropped a knife. Bending down to pick it up, Allen snarled and shoved you out of the way, causing you to bash your head against the table's edge. You immediately cried out in pain, curling into a ball. His eyes widened. "B-babe. I'm so sorry.." His hands outstretched towards you. You shrunk backward, not wanting to feel more pain. He fell backwards, sitting on his knees and running his hands through his hair. "Doll, I'm sorry..please..I need a hug so badly.." His voice cracking with sadness. You emerged from your ball, and slowly wrapped your arms around him. "It's ok angel.." You whispered, hugging him tightly. As he sobbed into your frame, your voice soothing him and coaxing him out of his bad mood.

Oliver: It had been a long day at the bakery. A very long day, filled with customers screaming and nothing cooking right, which led to more customers getting angry. You were oblivious to his bad day, having not been at the bakery. Oliver's mood was usually joyous and bright, but now he was agitated and dark. He stormed into the kitchen, murmuring about making dinner. You rose to help him once he had settled. You peeked your head in the kitchen, softly calling his name. The next thing you felt was heat. Extremely painful heat. Oliver had thrown a small pot of hot water, in utter and pure rage. The hot water sinking and searing your skin. You cried out loudly, running to the bathroom and hoping the cold water would sooth you. It helped mostly, but you still had burns on your arms and neck. Your cry had drawn him out of his rage, and he had realized what he had done. He bolted to the bathroom, crying. "Poppet! Poppet where are you?" He cried, realizing you weren't in the bathroom. He threw the door to the bedroom open, seeing you there, burned and hurt. He broke down sobbing. "Oh love. Oh my god love. I'm so sorry." Mumbling those words over and over as he cried. "You can help me, if you'd like." Your voice calling out to him. He helped apply healing ointment to your major burns, and kissing the other areas. He told you about his day, and you cradled him as best you could, and let him cry it out.

Matt: Him and kuma were walking around the woods, hunting for poachers. You and him had separated, you going back to the cabin and him doing a little more hunting. A snap of branch behind caused him to whirl around and slam his hockey stick downward. When a familiar voice cried in pain, he jumped backward. He had slammed his hockey stick down onto your shoulder, definitely doing damage. You were crying, wailing in pain. He immediately went to grab you and help you up, but you flinched and crawled away, desperate to create space. He froze, hoping to never feel like this again. "Maple, please. It was an accident. I promise." His firm yet soft tone of voice brought you back, and you slowly moved forward. He was patient, allowing you to take your time getting to him, hoping to not scare you. "C'mon, lets get you bandaged up maple." He helped you back to the cabin, checked your shoulder, made sure you were ok and brought you to bed.

Francois: A long day at the office. No one really listening to him, people messing up the easiest tasks. All he needed at the end of the day was to just curl up with you. Walking into the house, he lit a cigarette, taking a deep breath. The nicotine set in, and he felt better. Keeping the cigarette in his mouth, he found you in the kitchen. His body reacting faster than his mind, he hugged you. One problem. The cigarette was still in his mouth. The small stick burning your neck. You yelped and shoved him back, covering the small burn. He was confused at first, then realized his error. The cig had struck your neck instead of him. He leapt back, the mark already forming. He immediately bolted to the bedroom, locking the door and sliding up against it. You pounded on the door, demanding to be let in. You eventually picked the lock, and opened the door. He had moved to the bathroom. You swung the door open, and shrieked. Francois was holding a fresh cigarette to his forearm. You instantly ripped it away from him, yelling at him and telling him to never do that again. He carefully approached you, wrapping his arms around you.

Viktor: He was in a bad mood. A very sour and agitated mood. So when you hugged him from behind, you were very startled when he slapped you. Hard. There would be a bruise forming soon. You were knocked to the floor, so when he saw your form trembling in fear, he immediately realized his mistake. He reached down to you, and he dropped to his knees, and pulled you close. This was one of the very rare times you would see him cry and apologize. His apologies were mixed between Russian and American. Warm, wet tears rushed down his face and fell onto your shirt. You pulled him close, letting get his frustration and anger out healthily.

Zao: Zao would never ever put his hands on you. However, he'd lose his mind if someone else did. So when you came home with a black eye, he's gonna flip out. Mother hen mode engaged. Heavily. Asking who it was, even going so far as to find the man and give him a beat down. Threatening to rip his throat out if he put his hands on you again. The man cowered in fear, stuttering a promise that he won't put his hands on you way again. You had to yank him away, your touch calming him instantly. "Relax, love, its ok."

Lutz: Bear wasn't feeling good, and he nipped at your hand a little too hard. The bite mark was bleeding bad, but not enough to cause you to faint. Lutz was ready to rush you to the hospital, but you managed to talk him down. He watched you bandage your hand after cleaning it. The gentle, swift precision you had awed him. You gently pat bear, telling him it was ok. He fell asleep on your lap, and Lutz snuggled on the other side. You laughed softly, "My boys."

Luciano: He was seconds from losing it. Your shoulder was bleeding, you were crying and the doctor wasn't moving fast enough. Luciano was in a bad bad mood. He was practicing his gun work, considering it wasn't as good as his knife work. You startled him and he had shot at you. Luckily the bullet only grazed your shoulder, but it still hurt like a bitch. Luci immediately lost it, having his best doctor called, and he was stitching you up in no time. Your tears had dried, and the pain had chilled. Luci was apologizing in English and Italian. You held him with your good arm, and he pulled you into his lap. 

Flavio: He was basing a fashion line off you, and needed you to try on the clothes. He had gotten you with the sewing needle, and it stung bad. You bit your lip, not wanting to throw off his concentration. It wasn't until the white fabric was turning red did he notice. "Bella what-a happened??" He cried out, ripping the dress off you anxiously. "I think you got me with the needle.." You were right, a medium sized line where he had gotten you. He bandaged you up, and then made you pasta. He cuddled you endlessly after. 

Kuro: It was an accident. He got a little too into the duel, and pierced your thigh. Luckily you had armor on, but it still cut through it. You shrieked and collapsed to the ground, crying out in pain. Kuro threw down his weapon and rushed over. He was panicking and you were on the verge of fainting. You woke up in a hospital room, your leg stitched and bandaged.  Kuro was next to you, dead to the world. You poked his cheek until he woke. He greeted you good morning, and asked how you were. 

Gilen: He was losing it. Bad. Full panic attack mode. Over a scratch on your cheek. He was mumbling about how you hated him and how you were gonna break up with him. He was crying and sobbing. You slapped him on the arm. "Stop. You know that isnt true. It was an accident, love. There is no reason to get this upset. Its ok." He calmed down, but was still worried. He pressed delicate kisses along the cut, and you kissed his scars in return. 

Oh my god

I died and have come back

My life is hard

I need easy ideas

Plz help

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