Meeting the parents (pt 2)

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Here is the axis! Also check the note at the bottom

2P!Germany/Lutz: He, for once, was nervous to meet someone new. He wanted to make an almost perfect impression, considering how you both wanted to spend the rest of your lives together. He cleaned up, shaved, brushed his teeth and made himself presentable. He brought a rose for your mom, and a box of the best German chocolate for your dad. He picked you up, and drove you to your parents home. You linked hands as you approached the front door, which was swung open by your moms waiting arms. She hugged you, and turned to Lutz. "So, your the man that captured my daughters heart?" He nervously handed her the rose, and blushed profusely. She examined the rose, which was thornless. "Ooh! He is a keeper!" She squealed after a minute. Time to meet dad. Your mom led you two the parlor, where your dad sat, reading a thick book. "Honey, this is Y/N's boyfriend, Lutz." His head shot up, confusion lacing his features. He looked over Lutz, almost checking him over to see if he was acceptable for his precious daughter. Lutz handed the chocolate over to him, and stuttered out, "I-ts a p-pleasure, s-sir." Your fathers stern expression suddenly changed to a look of humor and joy. He laughed, and happily took the box. "He seems like a good man, Y/N. Keep him around, ok?" You just laughed. "Yes, daddy."

2P!Japan/Kuro: He wasn't very nervous, but he was very people shy. So, he took your parents to a very nice sushi restaurant for dinner. He dresses casually-formal, and cleaned up. You met your parents there, and sat down to eat. Dinner was pretty standard, your parents asking him questions and him stuttering out answers.  The came the dreaded question: "What do you do for a living?"Kuro sighed. "Do you want the truth, or the answer I have been planning?" "We want the truth, Kuro." " an assassin." He muttered. "Oh, do you work with Y/N on some occasions?" Your dad asked as he sipped his wine. Kuro choked. "Your ok with my work?" "Of course, we have Y/N for a daughter, after all." Kuro suddenly found himself a lot more comfortable around your parents.

2P!Italy/Luciano/2P!Romano/Flavio: DOUBLE DATE SCENE!

Since the brothers were wingmen to each other, they met up, and took the other girl out. Because you two ladies were friends, you could judge the man too. The dates went pretty well, and all four of you met together for a movie. Flavio linked with his girlfriend, and Luciano with his. The four went to the movie, and then separated. When the two couples were alone, they just talked about their day. Overall, you approved of the others man. 

Few things! Sorry I did not do Prussia, he lived in the same house as you sorry.....Also

Should I make a lil role-play book?

Message me about Role-play if you wanna rp!

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