Chapter 7

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It's Alice birthday and Dan, Runo,Mira,Ace,Julie and Baron will suprised Alice for her birthday because they don't any gifts to give for her. While the brawlers talked about Alice's birthday,Shun is outside the room listening and throught of today is Alice's birthday. He don't have anything to give to her. What should he do? When he logged in Alice is so happy and Dan Kuso immediately asked Shun what he have for Alice's Birthday and everyone through of something Shun will give to Alice. Shun said it is a "Secret Gift," what kind of secret gift? He told me the others that only him and Alice will know what kind of gift he is giving to Alice. Julie thinks maybe a KISS will be Shun's gift and Marucho thinks,too. Shun denided,Alice was shocked, it's impossible Shun will giving her KISS. What kind of "Secret Gift will Shun give to Alice? Is it really a KISS?

Alice: Hmmm,I wonder where the others. I think I'm the only here an...*thinking* I guess they didn't remember this day through.
Alice: Ohh!!!
Runo: Happy Birthday,Alice!
Dan:Happy Birthday!!!
Marucho: You look suprised, Alice.
Alice: I am suprised. Thank you guys.
Julie: Do you think we forgot your birthday,Alice? Of course not.
Ace: Happy Birthday,Alice!
Mira: Happy birthday!
Baron: Happy *pant pant* birthday,Alice!
Alice: Oh! Thank you Baron.
Baron: I throught *pant pant* I'm late for the suprise.
Ace: Well,you are late.
Baron: Really? Too bad.
Mira: Sorry Alice. We don't have any gift for you. Instead of giving you of gift we through of suprising you.
Alice: It's alright, anyway I'm too old to have a presents.
Julie: Speaking of gift and present,Where's Shun could be? I didn't see him today.
Runo: Do you think he'll buy gift for Alice? Anyway,it's her birthday remember?
Dan: If he'll do,he is suppose to be here now.
Mira: I guess he has a hard time picking a perfect gift for Alice.
Alice: Do you guys think he'll come?
Marucho: Of course he'll come.
Ace: But if didn't come,I'll punish him.
Shun: Oh yeah,today is Alice's birthday. How dare I forgot it. And I have any gift to give. Now what should I do?
Julie: I guess your prince charming is here,Alice.
Mira: *thinking* do you think he got presents for Alice? I guess not.
Shun: *blushing* Uhmm,Happy Birthday,Alice!
Alice: Thank You,Shun.
Dan: Say Shun,do you have any present for Alice?
Marucho: Everybody throughy of what kind of gift that will be giving to Alice.
Shun: Well--...
Dan: So Shun,what is it?
Shun: It's a secret gift thay only me and Alice will know.
Alice: Huh?!
Marucho: You're not gonna tell us,Shun?
Shun: That's why I called it a "Secret Gift."
Mira: Hmm,I wonder what it is.
Runo: So,when will you gift your gift,Shun?
Shun: When all of you will leave,except me and Alice though.
Ace: I had a bad feelings about this.
Julie: If it's a "Secret Gift", maybe your gift will be a KISS!
Marucho: Julie's right. Maybe it is a kiss.
Shun: Will you two shut up?!
Alice: *thinking* No way, a KISS?! That's impossible.
Shun: You don't wanna miss this!

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