Chapter 8

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And the story was Dan told Shun and Ace to asked Alice and Mira to go out tomorrow night to meet Julie's friend (before) and her boyfriend (i guess) Billy. And leaving Marucho and Baron. In the next episode,Billy will finally meet again the Bakugan Brawlers and meet the Bakugan Resistance in the First time.

Ace: Hi Mira.
Mira: Oh Ace,it's you.
Ace: Ughh...Can I ask you something?
Mira: Yes,what is it?
Ace: Well,Shun and Dan are inviting to go out tomorrow night and they're bringing Alice and Runo,too...and they ask me too also bring you with me,if it is okay to you. And also Julie is introducing a guy just came from Spain that's what they say.
Mira: Well,let me see...Of course I will,I will never say no to you.
Ace: Really,perfect! Tomorrow at 6pm.
Mira: Where are we going to meet the others. the park,that's what Dan said.
Mira: Park? What kind of park?
Ace: Just wait and see...
Mira: Okay,I can wait for tomorrow.
After Few minutes...
Shun: Hi Alice,perfect timing as always. I wanna ask you something.
Alice: Oh,what is it?
Shun: Dan told me to go out tomorrow night,and he's bringing Runo with him. And we've already told Ace and Mira and...and I want you to come with me tomorrow,Alice. And of course,that Billy guy, Julie's friend come back from Spain.
Alice: *blushing* Oh uhmm...yeah sure,no problem.
Shun: Really,Alice? Thank You. I'll pick you 15 minutes before 6pm.
Alice: *giggles* I'm looking forward to that,Shun.
Dan: So Ace,have you asked Mira for tomorrow?
Ace: All done!
Dan: Good,how about you,Shun?
Shun: Of Course,Dan!
Dan: Perfect!
Runo:I think it's all settled. We're ready for tomorrow!
Julie: Thank you Dan and Runo. Thank for everything!
Dan: It was nothing Julie.
Julie: Billy will be so happy to see you all.
Runo: Oh yeah,Shun. I've heard from Alice that you'll give your birthday gift for her someday. Is something wrong with you?
Dan: What?! You didn't give your gift to Alice?! Why?
Shun: I'm ughh..too shy to do it. But I'll promise to give it someday.
Ace: Don't make me mad,Shun!
Runo: Oh Dan,what are we going to with Marucho and Baron?
Dan: Oh?
Marucho: It's no fair,*snif snif* I want to go out,too! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!
Baron: *snif snif* why I can't go out,too?! No fair! *snif snif*

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