Chapter Ten: You're not Max

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Chapter 10: You’re not Max


I let out a soft moan as memories of yesterday flooded back into my head; my birthday, singing at the café, the horrible date, the puppy, and lastly the pain. I gently ran my finger through my head along my scalp checking for bumps or bruises. I must have hit my head or something for that kind of excruciating pain.

I rolled over buried myself deeper into the dark navy blue comforters, a familiar smell filtered through my nose. I never wanted to get up.

“Oh,” I gasped springing out of the bed. Familiar smell…nothing was familiar to me. Not after the accident. I scanned the bedroom that I was currently sleeping in. Oh no, did I get kidnapped? Nothing was familiar to me, yet I felt like I’d been here many times before. I stretched my legs down the side of the bed and sat up straight. My hands traveled to my hair. I frowned wondering why on earth it was so fluffy. 

I tried to stand up, but I tripped over something big and bulky on the ground. I fell face first on rough hardwood floor. I whimpered and rubbed my smashed up nose. I looked for the source of my fall, and gasped.  It was that beautiful scary boy from the alley . . . the one whose kiss felt familiar.

He groaned when I tripped and rolled over to the side, but he didn’t wake up. I sighed in relief. I stared at his sleeping face . . . he looked so peaceful, and harmless. No I can’t let myself think that, he nearly beat a poor man to death. I need to get out of here now. I crawled away from him, stood up, smoothed down my skirt and slowly crept out of his room.

I was definitely in an unfamiliar house. I need to leave fast and get back to Bridget; she must be so worried about me. I scampered through the house as quietly as I could. Somewhere in the back of my mind was I really thankful that my clothes were all in place, so maybe he didn’t do anything to me. I tiptoed down the stairs, I began to hear voices.

“Total! Don’t drink that!” I heard a scream. “Gimme back my coffee! Total!”

“Nudge, don’t do it!”

“Ahh! She really did it! She chucked Total out the widow!”

“Calm down Gazzer, he can fly remember, ‘sides shouldn’t you be getting the explosives ready?”

“Hell yeah! I have enough to blow up the White House even!”

“Hey I think we should surprise Max,” A softer voice started. I winced at the sound of my name. I was already covering my mouth with my hand trying not to scream after hearing their conversation. “We’ll turn off all the lights and cover her eyes and lead her into this room!”

“Yeah, and then we should fire the explosives and Iggy should bring ‘that’ in”

“’That’ already?”

“Then Gazzy should do his interrogation skit,”

“Should I be good cop or bad cop?”

“Both,” A ton of laughter followed that statement. I took a few deep breaths and willed my heart to calm down. I peeked around the corner of the wall, the monsters were all standing in the kitchen with their backs to me. If I could just get across the living room and to the front door, I could escape this place.

I wrapped my arms around my chest trying to calm my heart and slowly inched forward. Now that I was out in the open there was no turning back. I made my footsteps as light as possible and ducked as I walked past the sofa and coffee table. Almost there . . . just a few more steps and I would be out of here!

But Lady Luck was not on my side, my foot caught on the leg of the coffee table sending me flying forward. I let out a loud oomph and threw my arms out to catch my fall. I landed with a heavy thump.

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