Too Much

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       I lay on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. Everyday makes the event grow nearer, making me anxious. I can't stand it. I get up and walk over to black covered hanger before zipping it open. I pull off the paper of the event off the suit and stare at it.
      Not used to the color of the suit, I grimace at it slightly. I don't know if I'll look good in burgundy. The outside of the blazer was plain with the inside a black plaid fabric. The pants were black, pinstriped slacks, so nothing special. The tie was burgundy and black striped to match theme.
        I sigh and rest my head against it. Looking at the outfit riles me up more to the point I might hurl. I hear a knock on the door and I zip up the hanger cover back up. "Yes?" I mutter as I turn to the door.
       The door opens to Roman walking in and he smiles gently to me. I smile faintly back as he walks over, tucking some hair out of my face. Sometimes he does this where he walks in and doesn't speak as he embraces me. It's very comforting, yet ominous.
      He pecks my lips and smiles softly. "How are you, Vi?"
      I sigh and rest my head against his shoulder, "stressed, you?"
      "I'm fine, why are you stressed?" He rubbed my back and swayed lightly.
       "," I mutter and rub my eyes, "and also school."
        "Oh yeah...?" He said and I could feel the guilt in his voice.
        "It's fine, though." I pull away and sit back on my bed.
       "I hope you like your suit." He smiled and walked over to the black covered hanger.
       He had bought the suits for all of us. He was with Logan and Patton when he got them since they needed suits, too. I was hanging out with Elliot, so he chose mine. I'm confused of why he got me burgundy when purple is my color, which he told me it was when we went shopping last week.
      "I do, just why the color?" I ask and I rub my face.
      "It matches the Valentine's Day theme," he smiles.
     I don't believe it. I go to tell him that but then we hear a thud come from the living room. We both rush out in fear that someone broke in. We run over to see Logan with a newspaper over his face in a fallen over chair and Patton on top of him, giggling with his face as red as a tomato.
        "The hell happened?" I ask worriedly and Patton looks over to me.
       "Its a cute story," Patton smiles widely to us as he gets up, pulling his boyfriend with him.
       "Well," Logan pulls the newspaper off of his face to show how flushed he is as well, "I was solving a crossword and made a joke about something that was annoying, yet still manages to be somewhat adorable and is incredibly beautiful. Then I said his name and said it fits."
        "I choked on my cocoa before rushing over and hugging him." Patton finishes it off and Roman rests his hands on his chest.
       "So cute," Roman gushes and Patton nods quickly.
       "See? This is what being nice to your partner gets you, Logan." I comment and Logan nods as the other two laugh.
      "So what are your plans today?" Logan asks us and I shrug.
      "Sitting in my room, wrapped up in my blankets and dwelling on the fact of the dance and homework."
      "No!" Patton exaggerates before rushing over to hug me.
      I chuckle and hug the caring boy back, "I'm joking.....maybe."
      He doesn't let me go and I hug back. "Want to get ice cream or something? Oh! Chinese food?" He suggests and my stomach growls instantly.
       "I'm not as hungry as my stomach tells you it is."
      He giggled and Roman puts his index figure up into the air. "How about we do something today? All four of us!"
      "Like what?" Logan asks folding up his paper.
      "How about...truth or dare, couples edition? Or couples something...?" He suggests, his confidence on the idea failing.
      "Oh! Do you mean like those how well I know my significant other tags?" Patton asks Roman, which makes his eyes light up with confidence, again.
      "Yes! Those! Thank you, Patton. We can video tape it and put it on my YouTube! Or like those couples do each other's makeup!" He kept spouting like a geyser and Logan and I look at each other.
        This is a bad idea. He's been having his creative whimsy for the past few weeks and it keeps getting higher and higher with energy. "Listen, Uhm, Baby," I say and bring his hand down, "We'll do the tag thing, but then you need to take a deep breath and relax. You have been too...extra for the past few weeks, it's time to simmer down."
       "Too extra? Honey, that's all I'm about." He flips his hair and I sigh.
       "Roman, you need to take...a chill pill. I'm saying this in the most...appropriate way." Logan tells him and I can see him holding back a few choice words.
       Logan is opposite of Roman as well as me. He's more goal based while Roman is idea based. There's a difference. Logan also isn't as creative as Roman. He has more of a logical reasoning to him.
       Roman looks hurt and we both look to him, slightly pleading with a hint of concern. He sighs then takes a deep breath before letting it out. "Okay...I guess I can calm down a bit. Sorry, I've just been so excited lately with...the dance. I just can't wait." He throws his hands to his sides and sulks.
      "We know, but it stresses half of us out from all of Makes me anxious, Roman." I let him know and he sighs.
      "I'm sorry." He rubs his face and I rub his back gently.
     "It's okay, Roman. Let's just do the videos then maybe a jam session on the rooftop?" I look up to him and he smiles softly.
     "Sounds like a plan," he takes a second to gaze at me before looking to the others, "Alright, let's go!"
      He smiles smiles and we follow him to his room that he had already switched the furniture around in. It was a fun time. The two glasses wearing boys knew more about their boyfriend than Roman and I did, but it made sense due to the fact we met at the beginning of the school year. There's still a lot I need to learn about him and wouldn't mind if it was just a day of learning about him.
         We ended the night looking at the stars as he strummed his guitar on the rooftop and it was beautiful.

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