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       Footsteps pass by Virgil before some blue suede dress shoes walk over and noticed the small boy crying. "Virgil," the baby blue wearing boy kneels beside him, "what happened? Where's Roman."
      Virgil sniffs and looks to his best friend, Patton. "He left. We...we got into a fight."
      Virgil twirls Roman's rose in between his fingers and wipes his eyes with the other hand. "Seriously?" Patton says with concern, but he is upset with brother.
      "Yeah someone danced with me on our song and I couldn't leave the situation because it was Bryce, Yanno, the guy who drowned me."
      "Did you tell him that?"
     "No! He wouldn't even let me speak."
     Patton got aggravated with his brother. Not listening to his boyfriend's side? Unfair. "Come on. We're going." He states and helps the skinner boy up.
     "What-why?" Virgil looks to the other as he dragged him to the exit.
     "We're going to find my brother and he's going to listen to your side of the story." Patton tells him as they started down the block.
      Patton knew where his brother is. There is a bar a block and a half away from campus which he knew his brother would be at.
      Virgil is scared that Roman would still be mad at him. It made him cautious and anxious. He looks around because he was feeling off since the song started earlier. He just wanted to find Roman, resolve this all and be held in the others arms.
       Patton has to cross the street to get the bar. He starts  to cross and Virgil notices the small car coming up to Patton. Damn it. He needs to watch where he is going. Virgil pushes Patton out of the way, launching him across to the sidewalk, and stood where the other was standing. Thanks for trying,  Patton.
     Patton looks up after tumbling to the ground and hears the tires screech on a car. He sees Virgil lying on the ground and tears fall from his eyes. He pulls out his phone and calls his brother. Once he picked up, he didn't bother to say hello, "come to the crosswalk. It's Virgil."
       Roman drops his phone and sprints out of the bar. Something is bad. He felt it in the air. It was cold and musky. He notices Patton on the pavement, on the phone as he shakes so bad as he cries.
      "Virgil," he gasps out as Patton points to the people surrounding someone on the ground.
      No. No.
      He runs over the the group and sees Virgil laying on the ground. "Virgil, no." He fell to his knees beside his boyfriend and pulled up his torso to hug him.
      He heard a groan and looks  to his boyfriend. Virgil's eyes opens to half lidded and looks up to Roman. He couldn't feel the pain. He is in so much pain that he couldn't feel it. Tears fell from Roman's face to Virgil's who hopes his tears would heal him.
         "Roman..." Virgil gasps out which makes his face scrunch up in pain.
       "Shh...Virgil, keep quiet. Just try and stay awake, okay? I believe in you. You're very strong. You can make it through this." He mumbles to the other who was turning paler than ever and strokes his hair.
       "Shut up, Roman," Virgil coughs and frowns in pain. "Just let me speak for once... The person who danced with me was Bryce. He forced me to stay there...I wanted to dance with you."
        Virgil could feel his energy starting to drain as he spoke. It hurt him to do anything so he took a deep breath and felt the tears rise to his eyes. "I love you Roman. Thank you...thank you for making my life happy. Thank you for giving it meaning." Virgil mumbles as his voice starts to fade.
        "No, no," Roman whispers as Virgil's words came out breathily, "Virgil, I love you too. Come on, you've got this. You said you didn't want to die early well just...just focus on your surroundings"
        Virgil cracks a smile as his eyes barely stay open, "like what? The beautiful angel in front of me?," he places the black rose in his hand, "you dropped this...Roman...I love you so much..."
         "I love you so much more, Virgil. You're going to be okay..." Roman watches Virgil's eyes close and his chest slowly rising and falling as tears fell faster down his face.
       He pulls the other back into a hug and sobs. He looks around through his water filled eyes and notices the ambulance pulling up. He rests his forehead on Virgil's and kisses him quickly before the nurses take him from his grip. Patton rushes over to Roman with Logan. They agree for Roman to ride with Virgil and the other two to drive Roman's car.
        Roman rides to the hospital with Virgil, holding his hand and resting his forehead against their hands. Valentine's Day was meant to be about happiness and love, but for the three boys in the shabby apartment, it was about heartbreak and depression of a best friend and loved one.

{A/N: The follow up book to this one is Doubt. Go check it out on my page!}

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