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1 new message from cute bully

cute bully

stupid ♥️

cute bully
u know how you told me that
u get sick when you're upset?

cute bully
what made you upset that you got
sick that one time?

stupid ♥️
it's not important,
just me overthinking

cute bully
I don't believe you

stupid ♥️
guanlin, it's fine

cute bully
it still worries me though...

stupid ♥️
awe, that's cute

cute bully
I'm being serious jae, I don't want
you to be upset at all

stupid ♥️
wow this is weird, I've
never seen you be serious

cute bully
meet me at the swings

stupid ♥️
guanlin it's 9 pm

cute bully
deal with it and hurry

stupid ♥️
i hate you
seen ✓

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