Chapter 5

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I walked out into the woods, until I saw a tiny log cabin.

I ran to it and knocked on the door, I heard no response the first time. But I knew someone was home since the light was on. So I knocked harder.

"MacDillon," Jack was still crying.

I was surprised this was Jack's place, "Jack, I am so-"

"No need to apologize. I suck up my emotions quickly. I forgive you," to my surprise, Jack pulled me close and gave me a hug. I hugged him back.

"You kinda left your mask at my house, but I brought it,"

"Thanks, Agnes," he noticed the note wasn't on there, then he looked at me and smiled.

"Jack, I just had-"

"I left it there on purpose, so you would read that note,"

I smiled back. "Yes,"

"Yes?" He asked back confused.

"I will go out with you,"

Jack walked towards me, "Mm,"

"Mm," I said back.

"Want to hang for a while? I'm pretty bored and no one talks to me because, you know, everyone is afraid of me because I'm a killer,"

"I get it, of course." Jack threw on his black hoodie and wore his blue mask. He pointed to the door, probably asking me to open it.

We walked out from the woods and into the street. Everyone was looking at us and felt violated.

"Agnes, it's alright. I always get this much attention when I'm out,"

I walked closer to Jack and he put his arm around my shoulders.

"Jack," a girl said to us.

"Hey Jen," he said as we walked past her.

"Call me!" She yelled.

"Jack, who was that?"

"Don't worry about her, princess. Little does she know, she's gonna wake up dead with no kidneys." We both laughed. I loved Jack's small amount of charisma.

"So, where are we going?" I asked Jack.

"To a friend of mine."

It took us a long time to reach the different part of the woods. I was panting and I couldn't understand how Jack wasn't.

"Who lives here now?" I pointed to a slightly smaller cabin than Jack's.

"Take a guess,"

"A CreepyPasta, right?"


"The Sandman?"


"The Rake?"

"Keep trying,"

"Jeff, right?"


"Ben Drowned! It has to be Ben!"

Jack smiled. "Ding, ding, ding!" He imitated a bell.

We knocked on the door and out came Ben himself.

"Jack, what do you want?" Ben snapped.

"I came to get the stuff," he winked at Ben and I tried playing along. But deep inside I was really scared.

Jack walked in, but I bumped into Ben instead.

"You've met with a terrible fate... Haven't you?" Ben said.

"I-I'm just here with Jack and-"

Ben laughed really loud, "I'm just kidding, go with your boyfriend, he's in my room."

"How did he know we were dating?" I thought to myself.

"Jack, what are we here for?" I asked Jack.

"Wait for me, Agnes, I'll be out soon," I stepped outside and I saw Ben lying on the couch.

I didn't want to bother him because I thought he was sleeping so I tiptoed out.

"Agnes, Jack is waiting outside. So happy you guys came to visit me!" Ben said to me, but he didn't look at me.

"No problem, Ben!" I said. I was a little happy I visited my favorite CreepyPasta, but also confused.

"Agnes, let's go!" Jack was already half way out of the woods, holding a mysterious black bag.

"I'm coming! Just wait!" I started running and eventually caught up with him.

"Good time at Ben's?" He asked.

"It was quite short, but it was awesome." Jack laughed and disappeared into the bushes.

"Jack?" I started walking around, until I felt a hand over my mouth. I screamed, but the mouth shuffled my words.

I then noticed that the hand smelled like vanilla. It's Jack.

"Jack!" I yelled.

"Mm, yeah?" He laughed and he kissed my cheek. I blushed.

"I love you," I said.

"Ditto," I rolled my eyes and Jack saw me and chuckled. "I love you too."

I Like Him (Eyeless Jack)Where stories live. Discover now