Chapter 18

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I love you guys!! 200 READSSSSS OMG. Thanks sooooo much!!!!
Not even on chapter 20 and I have two votes and 200 reads!

"Jack, stop the car," I demanded.

"No," he scolded.

"Jack, stop the fricking car!"

Jack abruptly stopped and I hit my head on the glovebox. My nose starts bleeding, my head gets dizzy. But I still manage to talk while holding my nose.

"J-Jack, stop cha-changing girls into what they never w-want to-to be." Then I passed out.

The last thing I heard Jack say was something that made my heart stop.

"How do you know what they want to be! I almost killed you because I loved you! Same with the other girls I changed. You don't know what they do to me! You know nothing about me."

A/N you asked for it...

Jack's POV:

I can't believe I did that. I think I killed Agnes. I have to check if she's still breathing.

I quickly put two fingers on her wrist to check if she still had a pulse.

Phew, she had one but it was slowing down. I have to get her to a medic or something.

I looked at her face, her nose was terrible looking. I mean, not like she wasn't beautiful.. She was gorgeous. But her nose was looking pretty bad. Her forehead was boiling. Her mouth. Her mouth. I-I can't explain her mouth.

It was ripped off by something sharp I think.

I cried for mercy. I was so upset. I need her to live.

Agnes is dying on me!

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