Chapter 10

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I woke up, in the hospital, again, but this time, I was with my parents. "Agnes!" My mom said to me.

"Mom!" I yelled surprised. I sat up in bed to hug her, but my waist was really sore.

"Agnes, honey, how'd this happen?" My dad said. I shrugged.

"I think I fell on something sharp."

Ashton cocked his head to the side, knowing what had happened.

I looked straight at Ashton and gave him the 'don't you dare tell them' look.

He mouthed the word, "okay," and started talking to the nurses again.

"Aggy," my mom said.

"I know you can't fall and get a cut that big, how'd this really happened?"

I gulped. "I fell!"

"Yeah, right,"

I sighed, "You know those fictional characters Ashton and I are always looking up?"

My mom nodded.

"Well - I kind of ran into one of them, and it was the one who eats kidneys," I didn't want to say Jack's name, since my mom wouldn't comprehend who I was talking about.

"Agnes!" My mom yelled.

I looked away from my mom, and looked out the window. Guess who I saw? Jack. He didn't stay there long, he looked upset since my mom was nagging at me.

"That's why you shouldn't hang out with serial killers like that!" Is the last sentence I heard from my mom, after Jack hopped out the window.

I cried. I didn't want to show my mom my tears, so I just covered my face with a pillow. I eventually cried until I fell asleep. I didn't hear voices when I woke up. Was it a dream? I looked in front of me, and I see dead nurses. Dead nurses. Dead. My mom wasn't in the room. Ooh, I really hope she wasn't dead. I then looked to my left. I sighed. It was Jack. With a knife. Oh dear gosh, help me.

"I guess you're gonna kill me now, aren't you?" I said while turning to my side. At least my waist didn't hurt as much as last time.

"No, actually," Jack said. "I dropped by to say hey. So, um, hey,"

I rolled my eyes. "I really hate you," I looked at Jack, trying to think of a response.

"I know I'm a terrible boyfriend,"

I shook my head and sat up. "No, no, you aren't. You just have to tendency to hurt people. I know that you can't control it, really,"

I was now shocked, since Ben came through the window ever so casually.

"Agnes!" He said. "How much are you gonna pay me for bringing you to the hospital?"

I laughed while Ben laughed too. "Do I really have to pay you?"

Ben shook his head. What a relief! Just kidding.

"Jack, are you-?"

"I'm fine," Jack literally sat on a chair to my left looking lifeless.

"A-are you-"


"Well!" Ben interrupted. "I think I should-should go." Then in a flash, Ben was gone. I was left alone with Jack.

"Jack, I really don't want to drive a wedge between-"

"You aren't. Really,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Agnes." Jack got up to hug me, but all I saw after I turned my head was his body, on the floor. Covered in his blood. Was Jack dead? I then saw my mom behind him, with Ashton and dad.

"Oh, honey!" My mom said while wrapping her arms around me and kicking Jack's body further away from her.

I've always hated how my mom wanted me to stay away from Jack.

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