Ch. 8

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I woke up to a knock on my door. "Hello?" I said drowzily lifting my head from my pillow as Zed walked in. "What do you want dork?" I said laughing as he jumped onto my bed landing on top of me. "Wanna go exploring?" I lifted my head up farther. He knows I can't resist exploring. I sighed "of course I do"
He was excited. We run downstairs dad seems more down than ever. "What's up Pops?" I say to him. His head shot up and threw a piece of paper behind his back. "Nothing sweetie just business." I nodded and walked towards the door. "We're going to explore love you" then we walked out the door. We stopped by Eliza'a and Bonzo's house to grab them and now we are heading into the woods. Right as I stepped into the woods I smelt a strong sent it smells like metal, but stronger than I've ever smelt before it's like my senses were heightened weird though. "Do you guys smell that?" I look around to see no on there but I wasn't where i was earlier but I turn around to see a whole bunch of dead bodies. I threw my hand over my mouth then I look around to see one having her hand in the air raising her fingers and eyes open looking at me. I run over to her. "What happened to you?" I asked her.
"Them, they were infected. All of them" she said looking at me. "Come one I've gotta get you to a doctor" I said she shook her head. "A vet you've got to get me to Dr. Deaton, the vet." I was so confused a vet. "Where is that exactly?" He asked. She led me to the clinic I tried to walk in but I couldn't. I couldn't even knock. "What is this?" I asked the girl. "More like what are you?" She said looking at me confused I gave the same look back. "What do you mean I'm a zombie" I said to her. "Zombies can get through the door, you, you can't" By this time someone was at the door. "Well we better figure out what you are. After we fix Braeden up." He said then I thought Seabrook. "I've gotta step outside" I ran outside towards the direction I came from soon being confronted by a man with no mouth an a military tomahawk in his hands he lifted his hand throwing it at my as I dodged it running towards the direction my home is in then I feel something hit my leg. "Ouch!!" I scream in pain i look at my to see a ninja star in it. I then feel my body getting weaker. "What the hell is wrong with me?" I fall to the ground 'the mute' getting closer. Until I hear a long, powerful roar. The Mute turns and runs from the roar. I look up to see someone I didn't think I would see again. "Scott?" " Zemma?" We said at the same time. "Hey" he said running up to hug me. "Hey" I said to him. "Where are you headed??" He asked me. "Trying to get back home" I said looking around me. "Well Deaton said you brought Braeden and you couldn't get through the door. Why?" He asked me. "Have you seen me... I'm a Zombie unless I'm someone else. But I don't care I wanna see Zed again now I miss him like crazy." I said to him. "Look there are people coming to kill off supernatural creatures. There is a whole list of people who might die" Scott said to me. "A Dead Pool. Look I don't care Scott I want my brother " I said quietly. Scott nodded. "I'll take you back" Scott said I nodded. "But let me fix your leg." I rolled my eyes and nodded. He took the star put and I wanted to scream it hurt but then it...healed?? "What the hell?" I said to Scott as he looked curious.
*Zed's POV*
Zemma has been gone for 4 hours. She just disappeared into thin air. Addison, Bonzo, Eliza and I have been looking for her for 4 hours. "Zemma??!!!" I hear them scream over and over again trying to find her. "Where are you Zemma?" I said to myself.
*Zemma's POV*
I hear my friends and my brother screaming my name and yelling. I run to the noise see my brother and jump on him tackling him to the ground in a hug. "Oh my god Zemma you had me worried to death" he pulled my head off of his shoulder and a tear fell from my face onto his shoulder. "I love you so much and I can't live without you. I'm so sorry I don't know what happened to me" i said quickly to him. "Zem, look all that matters is if you're safe. That's all that matters to me you are my twin sister nothing can come between us. I love you too" he said smiling I just went back to hugging him and after a minute or so I got up and hugged everyone else. "It's good to be back I've realised in the longest 4 hours of my life that my friends and family are the best things that have ever happened to me" i said to them. "Love you guys" we all came in for the group hug with everybody awwing and saying 'love you' back.
Hope you guys liked it!!!
I switched this chapter up if you don't like it please tell me and I can try to change it.
Y'all are amazing!!

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