i liked him

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liking people is dumb.

you like people for the dumbest reasons. for their music taste or their laugh. sometimes it could be the way their hair looks when its styled or the freckles spotted over their face. liking people is complicated too. sometimes they don't like you back and there is nothing you can do to change it. you just sit back and hope they change their mind.

liking people is dumb.

but loving a person is a
whole different story.

loving a person is being able to handle their morning breath. loving a person is being the arms they can cry into. loving a person is cherishing every moment you have with them. wether its happy, sad, or angry, you will forever remember it. you remember a lot of things about the people you love. how you first met. your first kiss together. when you met their family for the first time. the first time you said 'i love you' to each other.

i was lucky enough to get one of those people. a person i will forever love. his brown, floppy hair and eyes to match. his black attire and a hat to go with. the green wristband that he has worn everyday since freshman year. the way his eyes sparkle when a prank works out perfectly. how his heart still speeds up every time i rest my head on his chest. his chapped lips that he refuses to use chapstick on. they way he pushes my hair behind my ear before kissing me. how he buys me chocolates on my period. when he holds me tight in public and even tighter when we cuddle. how he drives with one hand on my thigh.

everything about him is perfect. maybe not to everybody but i will always think he was custom-made for me.

everybody likes people.

but it takes a lot to love a person.

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