Big Time Vacation (: Chapter 10 :)

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We were finally heading to Hawaii baby. James was on my right holding my hand and Cam was on my left. We had already went through security and all that so we at some time to spare. And James told me they had a private plane so we didn't have to worry about fans and all that on the plane. An hour later we were boarding the plane. We sat down on the couches and fastened the seat belts while the plane took off. James put his arm on the back of the couch and closed his eyes. I leaned over and put my head on his chest. He looked down and smiled at me then wrapped his arm around my waist and closed his eyes again. I could tell he was tired and he didn't get much sleep the night before. Lately he hasn't been getting much. After the plane took off the others drifted to separate parts for alone time. James sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Me:James go get some sleep. You need it.

James:No I'm fine.

Me:James David Maslow don't try and even pull that crap with me.

I grabbed his hand and led him to the forth room. Each of the boys had a private room. I took James to his and shut the door. I pulled him to me and wrapped my arms around his neck. I reached up and played with his hair twisting it around my fingers. I looked into his eyes and he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. He bent down and kissed me. I kissed him back and after a minute I pulled away.

Me:Now come on. You need sleep.

I made him lay down and was about to get up and leave but he grabbed my arm.

James:Will you sleep with me.

I sighed and looked his face over and smiled. I got on the other side and he layed down facing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into my neck. He sighed and stayed like that. After a few minutes he drifted off to sleep and I smiled. I combed my fingers softly through his hair and he started to snore slightly. I smiled. He was just to cute. After a while I slowly drifted to sleep with him.


Me and Chris came out of the room and she went to the kitchen to get something to eat. That girl is always hungry. James and Jay were nowhere to be seen. I could hear Logan and Cam's tv running and Carlos laughing at something Sam said. There was nothing coming from James's room. The door was cracked the slightest and I walked toward it.

Chris:Kendall what are you doing? Don't bother them.

Me:I don't hear anything coming from their room.

Chris:Knowing them they're probably making out or asleep knowing Jay. That girl may get up at 4 in the morning but she loves her sleep.

me:Like you love your food.

Chris:Yes and don't make fun I can't help that.

I pushed the door open slightly and I could see them cuddled up on the bed. I smiled. I knew James hadn't been getting much sleep lately. I smiled and waved Chris over. She walked over and smiled when she saw them. She took her phone out and took a picture. She closed the door back and grabbed my hand. She kissed me and then pulled back. She went back to the kitchen and made a sandwich. She sat down and picked it apart and ate it. She always did that. She tear it in half then pick it apart piece by piece and eat it. After she finished we went back to our room.


I was woken up by someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and Cam smiled down at me.

Cam:Get up and wake James up we'll be landing soon.

I nodded and she left closing the door behind her. I looked at James and smiled. I ran a hand through his hair and he stirred slightly. I kissed his cheek and he stilled. I rolled my eyes. I pulled back and kissed his nose. He frowned slightly. I smiled. I knew what he wanted. I kissed everywhere on his face but never did actually kiss him. Finally he reached up and put his hands on either side of my head and pulled my lips down on his. He nipped my lip lightly and I opened my mouth. He slipped his tongue in and he explored my mouth. After a minute he pulled away both of us breathless. We sat there for a second and he finally opened his eyes. I looked into his eyes and I got lost in his gorgeous hazel eyes. I smiled and sat up running a hand through my hair.

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