Big Time Secrets (: Chapter 3 :)

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I woke up with something cuddled up to my side. I looked down and saw Jay there with her head laying on my chest peacefully asleep. She looked so cute when she was asleep. I gently picked her up and sat her head down on the couch after I got up. I walked over to the kitchen and started to cook us some dinner. I fixed hamburgers and some french fries. My mom had taught me how to cook when I was younger and I was pretty good. Jay suddenly started to thrash around on the couch. Then she screamed out. I ran over to her and grabbed her arms to keep her from hitting me.

Me:Jay wake up it's just a dream. Jay.

I pulled her to me and her breathing was ragged but she wasn't fighting me anymore. After a minute I pulled back slightly and looked at her face. Her hair was in her face and I brushed it back. She looked at me then back down. She was shaking like a leaf and her breathing wasn't returning to normal. It was like she was scared to death of something or someone. She finally got her breathing under control and looked up at me. She ran a shaky hand through her hand and sighed.

Jay:Sorry about that it was just a nightmare.

Me:Seemed like more then a nightmare to me.

Jay:Don't worry it was nothing.


Jay:Your foods burning.

I jumped up at that and ran to the kitchen.

Jay:I'll be right back I'm going to change.

I nodded and she jogged up the steps. She walked into her room but didn't shut the door. I could see the top half of her body from where I was standing I continued cooking and I glanced up and she was taking her shirt off. Her back was too me so I could see anything but it still made me ache. I quickly looked down before she turned around and saw me looking. When I heard her foot steps coming back down the steps I looked up. She was hearing a tank top and short shorts. I smiled and she smiled back. She pulled a stool over where it was sitting in front of me and folded her arms and leaned forward slightly on the counter. She looked down and furrowed her eye brows like she was considering something.

Jay:James can I tell you something?

me:Of course.

Jay:You know how I said yesterday I didn't like people to call me Jayleen.

I nodded.

Jay:Well it seems like I'm not going to be able to keep this from you for long. Well my ex-boyfriend Tyler. We broke up about a year ago. He called me Jayleen the only one. It was what he called me everyone else called me Jay. Well after the first month he got...abusive. And every time I tried to break up with him he threatened to hurt my friends and family so I stayed with him. He acted like the perfect boyfriend around them so they had no idea. Finally after three months he got angry when I said I was done. He stabbed me and I had to go to the hospital. I told them that he got angry and hurt me and I told them everything else but they didn't believe it cause he acted so sweet around them. I let it go and acted like that was the only thing he ever did to me and no one ever brings it up and I don't either.

Me:Wait no of them believed you.

She shook her head and looked down.

Jay:No ever believed me and so I didn't want to bring it up to you.

I took up the last of the food and sat it aside. I walked around the counter and stood in front of her. I put my hands on her shoulders and bent down slightly so that I was at eye level. She wouldn't look at me so I put one finger under her chin and made her meet my eyes. There were tears there threatening to spill over.

Big Time Talent (: James Maslow Romace :) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now