2. Step one.. denial

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You woke up to heavy breathing going down your neck, eyes still closed not wanting to wake up just yet ,you began to move away from the source of the heat that made you wake from your slumber. To only be held onto tighter. You sighed heavily..pretty annoyed from being woken up. You check the time 6:47.

You try to move away again but had not worked for the second time. You began to get annoyed but soon the annoyed look on your face turned into a smirk. Only one way to get out of this. You move your lower body just to test the reaction you'd get from your little chim...well soon to be little chim. His lips separate slightly and his nose scrunches up.

You move again "pretending" to be asleep. Feeling a little bump while doing so. Causing a small moan to escape from his slightly parted lips. You keep moving in your "sleep" finally waking him up in the process.

Jimin: "what are you doing?"

You don't respond since you are in your "sleep". You rub your bottom against him a little rougher this time causing him to hold your waist tight in place.

Jimin: "fuck baby you want daddy don't you.."

You smirk to yourself "yes daddy please I want you so bad..i cant wait any longer" you turn to face him"is that what you wanted to hear baby boy?"

He raised an eyebrow while you get up off the bed and turn to your closet.

Jimin: baby don't go. You made me hard and just leave me here. If this about yesterday?.. I thought we already settled this

You: nothing was settled. You have been a really bad boy lately and the only thing bad boys get is punished.

You went inside the bathroom before closing the door you hear a small frustrating groan coming from Jimin. you smirk to yourself...
*thought* this is only the beginning chim chim.


Jimin POV:
"The only thing bad boys get is punished" my dick just twitched..what is happening to me?.. Im in charge here. I will get her back for this. *twitch twitch*

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