Chapter 4.

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Dedicating this to you, @ichigo664!! ^u^ Go read her Grimmichi story, my followers! It's awesome!! >u<


The young woman, Hiyori, was standing in front of Izaya. Her hair covered her face and was in a tangled mess- like a scene in one of those horror movies. And the worst part of this was, Izaya had this dream before on the same night of her death. But it was a bit different than the one before; in his previous dream, there were buildings and the sky, everything similar to the real Ikebukuro. But now, everything except the rooftop they were standing on, was a pitch black void.

"...ya..." The ravenette couldn't make out what she had said, as it was raspy and too low, but that didn't mean he wanted to know what she was saying. He took a step back as Hiyori shuffled towards him, slowly dragging her legs with every step she took.

Izaya stopped backing up when he felt there was no more ground. He looked behind him to see that the space surrounding him wasn't completely a void. There was hard concrete way below, so if the informant jumped down, he could escape the girl- but he would also be splattered if he did that, seeing as how high up he was (though, this was a dream, the informant still disliked the fact that he would just jump to end it in his own subconsciousness).

"...Izaya... Izaya..." Hiyori repeated, as she was getting closer. When Izaya saw the young woman, he was shocked to see her hair color start to change. It was turning into a black color, like a paper absorbing ink, spreading until it was the only color. Her skin, which had a slight tan, was also changing, turning pale just like Izaya's own.

And when she lifted her head, her face was someone else's, someone who was older in age but still looked young and beautiful; someone whom Izaya knew…

Frozen in his spot, Izaya wanted to wake up from his nightmare, to pinch himself awake or at least have control over this dreadfulness- this was in his own head for god's sakes!!

But just like his previous dream, he couldn't change it. He could only feel his heart racing, his pulse pounding and a lump in his throat to prevent him from screaming, let alone to say a single word at the dead being.

As the beautiful woman finally stood face-to-face with Izaya, she whispered in his ear, "...come with me... Izaya..." she said, giving a sickly-sweet smile. Then he was pulled backwards by his arm, a pair of unknown hands gripping him down to the concrete ground.

He frantically tried to get free, flailing in midair. But by the time he was released, it was too late to prepare himself for the impact...

Eyes snapping open, Izaya woke with a start. He was panting and sweating, despite the fact that it was still raining outside, and he couldn't tell if it was day or night with how dark the room was...

Wait. Where was Izaya? And how did he get here?

After letting his eyes get adjusted to the darkness, the ravenette took in his surroundings as best he could; there wasn't much furniture other than the bed he was on and a nightstand, and in one corner of the room, there was a table with a computer on it and a swivel chair.

Izaya then checked on himself; he was wearing a new, clean, white t-shirt and his right arm was wrapped in gauze. Somehow, it wasn't broken and when Izaya moved it, there was less pain than before, and for that, he was grateful.

Stopping his inspection, Izaya remembered how he had gotten like this, the memories flashing in his mind like someone had hit a replay button in his head.

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