Chapter 1:End Of School

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Cora's P.O.V.


I was waited for my name to be called to graduate. I can't believe I can escape this hell hole. I was bullied physically and verbally. "Coralina" are principle spoke into the microphone. I walked up the steps and got on stage. I took my diploma and went back to sit at my seat. Once graduation was over I started to walk home.

Once I got home I unlocked my front door I heard screening coming from the hallway upstairs. I try to sneak my way up the stairs and into my bedroom but my parents notice me and my mom walked up and slaps me while knocking me to the floor "it's your fault he's mad you worthless bitch!" she yelled. My father kicked my in the head and then pulls me up by my hair and crushes my skull against the wall. He keep punching me over and over I heard a crack twice. He pulled out a knife and stabbed me in my side. He through me in my room and slammed my door. I pulled myself up to look in the mirror. I had bruises covering every inch of my body. My ribs were broke and so was my nose. I started coughing up blood and my vision began to blur. The beatings have never got this bad. I dragged my limp body to my bed and decided to call the only person who cared... Ashley. I dialed his number and he picked up on the third ring.

"Hey Cora" he said

"I need your help Ash" I sobbed

"What happened!Are you ok!?"he yelled in a worried tone

"My parents again, but it was worse this time. My father stabbed me, broke a rib, and my nose." I said through tears.

"Cora you NEED to get out of there. I will be there in 15 minutes to pick you up, your living with me and the guys" Ashley said.

"Ok see yah soon" I said

He hung up and I packed all my things into a duffle bag. I heard the front door open and someone running up the stairs. My bedroom door opened and Ashley picked my up bridal style and grabbed my duffle bag. He ran down the stairs and shut the front door. Once he put me in his car he got in his side and took off. Once me got there he helped me out and put my arm over his shoulder for support and helped me walk in. He then fixed my wounds. Ashley lead me to the couch and took my bag to my new room which is the second door to the left upstairs. Once Ashley was at the bottom of the stairs the front door swung open and all of the guys that are in Black Veil Brides came bursting in. I laughed at how silly they all looked. They soon realized I was there. "Who's this?" CC asked. "This is my close friend Cora she's going to be living with us"Ashley said. "Ok but why?". Andy said with curiosity in his voice with a bit of discuss. "Her parents abuse her really bad and she almost died today." Ashley told them. "Are you ok?" Jake asked. "Yah just a stab wounds and broken bones but besides of that I'm fine because I got out of that hell hole called 'home'". I say with first sadness then happiness then disgust in my voice. they guys had shocked faces that soon became full of tears except Andy. The rest of the night the guys and I hung out at chating while Andy just glared at me. "What's his problem?" I thought. Ashley helped me up the stairs to my room. Upstairs Cc's room was the first room to the right, Jake's room was the second to room to the right, Jinxx's room was the third room to the right, Andy's room was the first room to the left, my room was the second to the left, Ashley's room was the third room on the left. I have my best friends room on the left of my and someone who hates me(Andy) on the right of me. Great.

When all the guys went into there room about an hour after I went to my room they went upstairs to sleep. Someone knocked on my door so I said "come in". Andy stood at the door way and walked over to me and growled"listen bitch!don't try to fuck with my life, I just got through a bad breakup with someone and I don't need a little brat wining about how her stupid family treated her!" he whisper/growled. A tear escaped my eye and he left while say "you should have just stayed with your family and died!". He slammed the door shut. I cried myself to sleep that night. "It's like I can't get a break. Someone always has to pick on me?Why are people so mean to me?What did I every do to them?"I thought. "Maybe I am a worthless bitch like everyone told me. Maybe I don't deserve to live" I thought before I hit dreamland.

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