Chapter 4

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Cora's P.O.V.
Marcy and Ashley started going out. Shocking I know. Ashley went from being a playboy player to having a girlfriend. Wow. Well she is his type. It's also good that he's dating one of my friends so I will see a lot of her and she's not a bitch so that's good.
As for me, CC took me to the hospital and I found out that I bruised my ribs and they stitched my stab wound that my dad made, also that my noise is healed/ no longer bruised.
As for Andy, I found out about his breakup and it made me sad to think about what happened to him. Andy stopped calling me names except Dark Angel which I'm okay with xp . Andy has been flirting with me and complimenting me nonstop tho. I like it:).

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