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This is something I've been working on, hope you enjoy. 

No plagiarism please. 

You might feel a little emotional :'(


"No, there must be a mistake."

"Baby, I'm sorry" Sebastian whispered.

"You can't leave me," I cried. I felt like my world was falling apart, maybe because it was. I couldn't stop the sobs from escaping my mouth, I was shaking. Sebastian wrapped his arms around my frame, pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tip-toeing to get a better grip. Sebastian picked me up, instantly I wrapped my legs around his torso.

"We can get another opinion," I suggested, burying my face deeper in his neck, inhaling him. However, I knew it would be the same result. This is the third doctor that we've seen. All saying the same.

My boyfriend has brain cancer.

There was nothing I could do about it. He was leaving me.

"Ava... look at me" he said, I shook my head. Here I was sobbing like an idiot and my boyfriend comforting me, when it should be the other way around.

Gosh, I'm pathetic.

"Baby," he said softly. I lifted my head to look at him, taking in his breath-taking blue eyes. Sebastian was handsome, with his dark luscious hair, tall muscular physique. I was lucky that I could call him mine.

I sniffled, "I'm sorry."

Sebastian walked towards the couch, still carrying me. He slowly sat down, with me sitting on his lap facing him. Just glancing at him made me want to cry again, I can't lose him. If I lose him, I lose a part of me. Half of my soul.

The love of my life.

"Don't you apologise," he told me.

"But-" Sebastian stopped me from saying anything else by grabbing my face and pressing his lips against mine. The kiss was filled with desperation, want, need. I parted my lips slightly, allowing his tongue access. I grabbed a hold of his hair, pulling him closer towards me. He let out a groan, flipping us so I was on my back, him on top of me.

I tugged on his shirt, wanting to feel the skin to skin contact. I eagerly pulled off his top, him doing the same with mine. Sebastian's warm body pressed against mine, causing shivers to run down my spine.

A while later we pulled away, breathless. Sebastian was now beside me, his arm sprawled across my waist. We sat in a silence for a few minutes, realising how real the situation was.

"I love you, Ava Rivers." He told me.

I looked at him, a small smile on my lips. "I love you too, Sebastian Matthews."

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