Chapter 1

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-pic of Sebastian-


*6 months later*

I was currently sat on the recliner chair beside Sebastian's bed. With cup of coffee in my hand, I took a sip. The bitter taste not affecting me anymore. I used to absolutely hate black coffee with no sugar. Now that is all I drank really.

I looked to my right at Sebastian's handsome face. His hair was gone due to the intense chemotherapy he went through. I looked at his chest, seeing it rise and fall. I always seem to check his breathing, not wanting him to leave me just yet. The leads on his chest connecting to the heart monitor, where his heart rate was showing, wasn't enough to reassure me that he was still here. I moved my gaze back to his face, his eyes were shut, he looked peaceful.

He's only nineteen. It's not fair, we barely even lived our lives together. I remember when he first asked me out, at fifteen.


I was sitting on the grass, leaning against a tree trunk. It was quite warm today, so I took off my blazer, placing it beside me. I hated the school uniform, especially on a hot day. I rolled the sleeves of my white shirt up to my elbows, and loosened my tie a little. I put my earphones back in and just pressed shuffle, 'A thousand years' by Christina Perri filled my ears.

I sat back comfortably, and just closed my eyes. Not long after, I could sense someone in front of me. Deciding to ignore whoever it was, I kept my eyes closed. This individual was not giving up, seeing as though whoever it was decided to take out one of my earbuds and place it in their ear.

"Great song," said a voice.

I opened my eyes and turned to my right. A familiar boy sat next to me, body cladded in the uniform. I raised an eyebrow at him, basically giving him a 'what the hell do you want?' expression.

"I'm Sebastian," he introduced himself, with a lopsided grin. I could feel my breath slightly hitch, he was good looking.

"You ruined a peaceful moment," I told him.

Sebastian shrugged his shoulders and smirked, "I saw a beautiful girl sitting on her own, I decided to keep her company."


"I don't need company," I said.

"You wound me with your words," he joked, placing a hand on his heart. I smiled a little, before covering it up. He caught it and let out another grin.

"What do you want?" I sighed.

Sebastian seem to think about his next words.

"A date."

My eyes widened, "What?" I asked.

He smirked again, "You heard me. A date."

"I don't even know you," I said.

"Well that's what the date is for. Getting to know me," he chuckled. He was extremely confident for a fifteen-year-old.

"No," I said.

His blue gorgeous eyes widened, "Why not?" he asked.

"Just because." I shrugged.

My mind is telling me no... but my body... my body is telling me yes.

"I'll make it the best date you've ever been on," he said. His voice filled with determination. I looked at him carefully, looking for any signs of falseness. He better not be trying to play me. As if he was reading my thoughts, his facial expression softened. Eyes almost pleading me to say yes.

"Fine, just one date." I agreed.

Sebastian smiled like he won the lottery.

And that was the day ladies and gentlemen, that my ovaries exploded.


I smiled at the memory, little did I know that day would change my life for the better. Sebastian's eyes started to flutter, I quickly placed the coffee on the table and walked to him. He opened his eyes slowly, adjusting to the light of the room. I grabbed his hand and started to stroke it softly, letting him know I was here.

"Hey babe," he smiled at me. I smiled a little in return, I could hear the pain evident in his voice. My heart broke for him. I wish I could take away his pain.

"Hey handsome," I winked at him.

"Ava Rivers..." he started off by saying before letting out a cough. I tightened my hold and could feel my eyes tearing up.


"Beautiful, let me finish." He pleaded.

I exhaled a shaky breath, nodding at him to continue. I couldn't trust my voice right now, I don't think I could speak without breaking down.

"You are my whole world, the love of my life. I couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend, lover, best friend. My only regret is not making you my wife, but we don't need a piece of paper to prove our love and that what we have is real." He kissed my hand before continuing, "You have made my life amazing, love. Everyday I'd wake up thinking about you, and go to sleep dreaming of you. Ava, you are truly my angel. I love you baby, and I will never leave you really. I'll always be with you," he touched where my heart is, "here."

"You'll never get rid of me," he winked before letting out another cough.

"I love you, Ava Rivers."

"I love you too, Sebastian Matthews." I whispered.

The door opened, disrupting our moment. In walked in the rest of his family, his parents, both his older brothers and his younger sister. They looked at my tear marked face and practically sprinted towards Sebastian.

He looked up at them and smiled, "I love you guys, make sure you live your lives. Live with no regrets, make sure you live for me too."

Leyla- Sebastian's mum- burst out crying. "My sweet babyboy, don't leave me." She sobbed, holding onto him gently. I could feel the sob escape my throat, Sebastian tightened his hold on my hand.

"We love you bro, always and forever." Liam said, the rest saying their 'I love you's.

Sebastian let out another grin before releasing a deep breath, the machine soon going flat.

No... no no no.

I dropped to my knees, still holding onto his hand. I cried and cried, the pain of losing the love of my life becoming too much. Time seemed to have passed, yet I couldn't feel anything. Not having a clue what is going on around me.

Sebastian, why did you leave me?

It's not fair. 

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