[C H A P T E R N I N E T E E N]
And the Truth Comes Out☆☆☆
July 27th, 2149,
Two Months Ago"Thank you, everyone, for joining us on such short notice," Conner Taylor began, addressing the council that sat around a large table. "And thank you, Chancellor Jaha, for letting us share our proposition." Conner nodded at his wife, Katie, with a smile.
"Of course, you said you had a solution to the oxygen system?" Jaha leaned forward at the head of the table while other members whispered amongst themselves.
"Yes," Katie started, gaining everyone's attention. "Though Chancellor, I must warn you, it is quite unorthodox. But I can promise it is the best chance for our survival."
Jaha raised an eyebrow at the woman. "Well, we're all open to ideas." his arms gestured to the members around the table. The others nodded their heads, intrigued by the renowned scientists.
"Okay," Katie stood and adjusted her shirt, making herself more presentable. She began to hand out papers to each of the council members. "As you all know, it's been almost a year since the late Mr. Griffin discovered our defect in the oxygen system. Since then, none of us have come up with any possible solutions because we believed we would have more time. Unfortunately, these numbers tell us that this is not the case."
She gave a moment for the people to read through the data presented then continued. "We only have about six more months before all oxygen runs out in the Ark. What do we do next? Where do we go next?"
"What do you mean 'where'? We have no place to go," One of the councilmen voiced, looking around in confusion.
Conner smiled. "I'm so glad you asked that, Mr. Kaplan." Heads turned to Conner who stood up with a charming smile. "Earth! Earth is the next step of our journey."
The council broke out in murmurs and questions directed at the couple.
"Now, now," Conner raised his hands in a request for silence. "I know you must all have some questions about this, and don't worry we will explain it all."
"With all due respect Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, I'm not going to Earth," Senior Councilman Cole crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.
"We never said you were, Mr. Cole." Katie cut in, settling back into her chair next to her husband. "We already have the perfect candidates for this journey."
"And who are these candidates?" Jaha asked, still reading the data.
"The prisoners of the Skybox."
Katie and Conner knew Abby would immediately object to their offer being that her daughter was one of the prisoners, so they gave a moment for her to say her piece.
"Absolutely not, Clarke is in there, and we don't even know if the Earth is survivable." Abby stood up to make her point.
"Yes, we understand, Abby, but please, just hear us out." Conner gave her a warm smile to ease her nerves and when Abby sat back down, he gave a nod to his wife to continue.
"My husband and I have been doing the research for months now. This isn't some on-a-whim idea. This idea has been fully planned out and studied to the fullest extent. We have the highest confidence that Earth is habitable and survivable. We have a drop-ship that seats only about one hundred people, and knowing that no civilian will take this offer, we have criminals that can take those seats to Earth and from there we can monitor their health and prove our hypothesis."

Esperança 》B. Blake
Fanfictiones·pe·ran·ça (esperar + -ança) Portuguese for: 1. a feeling of trust in someone or something, even when the trust should not be given 2. hope ex; Roseline Taylor had esperança that Earth wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. [ the 100 s...