Chapter Two

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After that first day when Christian got here, he fell in with the people I had thought he would. Turns out he was a quarterback one of the best teams at his old school and he was given the same position on our abysmal team. So all went back to normal, but when I saw him in the hall he often offered a kind smile. The thing is I knew we could never be friend, not in any real way. I finished up that week at school and when the weekend came I was ecstatic. We had a three day weekend because the teachers had some sort of training session about safety precautions in case of a school shooter, thank you second amendment. To be honest, I hate that people can't take five seconds to realize that people are dying, but I guess I can't say I'm not surprised the government hasn't done anything so now we have active shooter drills along with fire drills.

Because of our extended freedom, there is going to be a huge camping trip that happens this weekend with most of the people at our school. I'm very excited personally because I'm long overdue for some beach time and the inevitable two days of drinking and teen antics that I have ahead of me. Not to mention the fact that It's the pacific northwest so, if your not camping what are you doing with your life. I was currently looking at my phone scrolling through when Logan texted me that he was outside with Katie and Faye, ready to go. I grabbed my bags and headed out the door texting my mom that I was leaving and I would be back Monday afternoon. I walked down to the car and got in handing my bags to Logan so he could put them away. And so we started our three-hour long drive to kalaloch beech. It seems like a lot of driving but it is so worth it, kalaloch was my favorite beach growing up and it was the nicest one for groups so that's where we were going.

The car ride there was long but with friends like mine it wasn't uneventful. We got lunch in Aberdeen before continuing our journey. I swear to god it's a wonder that anyone lives in Aberdeen that place is so depressing I don't blame Kurt Cobain for offing himself, that place makes Antarctica look bright. Before long we reached the beach and as soon as we parked at the cabins I ran to the gazebo that overlooked the beach then down the sandbank and through the driftwood, and then straight into the water. I squealed at the cold water splashing on my feet as the tide rolled out. I was soon joined by my friends and we ran around on the sand for a while before getting back in the car and heading down the road to the camp sights.

When we pulled up to where the group was I was shocked to see that the one and only Christian was sitting on the hood of his jeep with Willa. I have known Willa since preschool and I wasn't surprised when she ended up being to the most popular girl in our grade. Willa and I used to be best friends along with another girl named Ella, but we all split up when we hit high school. I gave them a nod and polite smile when they looked over at us. I started to unpack the tent and our sleeping bags while Faye started setting up. When I was done unpacking the car I looked back at where I had seen Christian before and saw that he had moved to getting wood for a fire.

Eventually, everyone got there and set up and we all headed down to the beech for the first part of our trip which was a huge bonfire. We headed down and I saw that the fire had been started and I decided to dip my feet in the water and look at the sunset letting the wind throw my hair around. I felt someone's presence over my shoulder but didn't look back, wanting to savor the feel of the sand and water with the orange backdrop of the sun as it went down.

"I've never seen anything so beautiful." I knew it was Christians voice, for some reason I could already pick it out.

" It's my favorite part of coming here," I replied turning around to see his face washed in the beautiful light only accentuating his sharp jawline and high cheekbones. My eyes were trained on his but then I looked down breaking the contact and seeing his full lips pulling into a smirk. Then not wanting hi to know I was staring I quickly looked down at my toes as I hurried my feet in the sand.

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