Chapter Three

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    I looked at them bewildered as to what they could possibly have wanted to talk to me about. I hadn't talked to either of them in over a year, not since what had happened. I looked at Ella and I saw a small amount of sadness in her eyes accompanied by fear, I couldn't tell what would make her scared. Nothing scared Ella not since we were five and she had shoved a kid who said I was ugly. Then I looked over to see Willa, my beautiful blonde friend who had always been gracious and kind even to those who didn't deserve it. She too looked as though she had seen a ghost. I frowned knowing if they were here together and they were coming to talk to me in the way we used to, I knew something had to be wrong. 

     "Ella whats wrong?" I asked knowing she wouldn't lie to me no matter what it was. As soon as I asked she started to wring out her hands looking down then back up meeting my eyes with an almost apologetic look.

    "We saw Kyle at the beach a little while ago, we didn't think it was a good idea for you to be alone. Not even with him." they looked over to where Christian had been standing only moments ago. 

    I couldn't believe he was back, it had been over a year since everything had happened and I had pushed it all so far keeping it in the deepest and darkest spot of my mind, but here it was in the spotlight again. I could always feel it in my mind the constant memory, it never faded or changed just stayed crystalized in my mind despite my best efforts to forget. I couldn't believe he was back, I couldn't believe he had the nerve to come back and especially come here after everything that he had done. Just thinking about everything that happened last year brought my mood down from before. But despite the shocking news I was happy to be with Willa and Ella, it had been too long since we talked and whenever we were together things felt, easy and natural like we were kids again. Just minus one.

    After a few moments in awkward silence Ella suggested that we go back to her campsite to start a fire and catch up. As the three of us walked we fell into a pleasant conversation about everything that had been happening in our lives since we last spoke. It was nice, at first it was just small talk but as the night went on and we became reacquainted with one another the secrets we had so longed to share with each other came spilling out. Everything, from bad breakups to fake friends and how we were all still in therapy after what Kyle had done. I felt safe despite the looming threat of his presence and I was reminded of the way my heart lifted when I was with them. I had missed this feeling.  

    At about eleven thirty as the fire started to turn to embers Logan finally texted asking where I was, I let out a sigh that unfortunately didn't go unnoticed as Willa peered over my shoulder and saw Logans name. She screeched and slapped my arm in shock, of course since we hadn't talked in a while she didn't know everything that had happened with Logan. Or rather she didn't know our recent history.

"Rosie! we've been friends with him for years did you finally tell him? wait doesn't he have a girlfriend? are you sleeping with him?" Willa said her shock turning to concern. In her defense she wasn't totally off the mark in her assumption. I had been completely crushing on Logan since about the second grade and while we were friends he never saw me as more than that. After years of obsessing over him I had finally gotten over it and I was good being friends with him, I was even sort of friends with his girlfriend. And even though I loved Willa and Ella Logan and I had always been close in a way that nobody else understood and when I lost them a year ago we became even closer and I wasn't going to risk that for a stupid crush. Love and relationships have a funny way of turning even the best people into assholes and I cared to much to let that get in the way.

"Yes he has a girlfriend and no, I'm absolutely not sleeping with him. I am totally and completely over him, he's like my best friend and besides he would never like me like that." I say my cheeks flushing as I thought about him and I. I just have to remember that I'm over him, so totally over him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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