Chapter One

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Who do you know who thinks true love lasts or even exists? Could you sit there and argue with me about how true love is real ? Would you be able to tell me why so many marriages end in divorce, was it just no true love? Did they find it after? Because when my parents divorced, though it was more of an implosion than anything, they got as far away from each other  as they could and left me somewhere in the middle. You see they thought they had true love, we all did, high school sweet hearts who had loved each other for as long as anyone could remember. And maybe that's true and their love just faded, but I can't help but think that if true love is real it wouldn't fade.

I don't think you could even call what happened to them a fade, no it was more violent then a fade, it was watching my mother wait on the couch each night for my father to drunkenly stumble in the front door with a new or even reused bullshit excuse. He would say it was just drinks with some friends or that when he came home with lipstick on his shirt it was an accident. As if a childhood of trauma south of the border justified his drinking or his cheating. Like she hadn't endured just as much. I used to think they were in love too, warm smiles, open arms, rosy cheeks and a twinkle in their eyes, but I also saw what came after.So you can sit there and tell me how ,true love exists and love prevails conquering all, or you could tell the truth. Go ahead,  lie to me and tell me I'm too young to be this bitter.I'm sixteen and I don't know much but I know for damn sure that love is myth, something made up to make us feel better about being alone.

I realize this is pessimistic and a bit over dramatic but what can I say my daily dose of happy pills has never really quite done it for me.I'm not saying that my parents caused my generally glass half empty attitude, I've always been like that, I've always been a bit to serious even as a child. There are people in this world who have it worse off though. Peoples parents get divorced I should get over and stop being so pissy. In any case it's irrelevant because life is life and mine isn't all that bad, I mean at least I have friends. I have the best friends in the whole world actually and my very best friend is all I really need because he knows me, he understands me and he knows when to stop asking questions. 

Looking out the window of my car as I pull into the parking lot I can see him now, waiting for me by the bottom of the square holding his skateboard and watching as people walk by him in a hurry. His tall figure is slouched, and as usual his brown hair is messy and ruffled from the number of times he's run his hands through it as he overthinks his every step, Logan. His hazel eyes were currently staring at some girls across from him as they lean against the railing of the stone steps leading into school. I get out of my car and sneak up behind him hoping to get the drop on him as he scrolls through his phone in his hand finally looking away from the girls he's been not so subtly looking at since I got here. 

"You know for someone who has a girlfriend your eyes really do have a habit of wandering." I say as I walk up behind him. He was unfazed by both my attempt of a surprise entrance and my comment as he turns around and greets me with a roll of his eyes. 

"would you just shut up for once?" he says smirking at me as he shoves his phone in his pocket and starts to walk towards the school entrance assuming I am following him, which I am of course.

"I could never be quiet, it would be a crime to rob the world of all my beautiful thoughts." I say as I try to keep up with his long legs. He's intentionally walking faster knowing that I can't keep up because my legs are about a foot shorter than his. 

"what a tragedy it would be." He says his voice dripping with sarcasm as he slows down momentarily so that I can catch up to him. As we enter the building the warm air washes over us and the peaceful sound of the light rain outside washes away drowned out by the chatter of overly caffeinated teenagers standing in the hallways.

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