10) Impractical Proposal

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Six Months Later/New York

Joe- We are half way done filming Season 5 and the fans decided on a Live Punishment.

Sal- Practicing non stop with professional Bello, we are able to walk across the tight rope at five feet high.

James- I look up at the higher tight rope we'll be working on today. (Nervously) "Our fans are cruel, this is utterly insane!"

Brian- I stand there studying the challenge before me. (Hums)

Bello- I walk over. (Chuckles) "Don't worry, you are completely safe. None of us would allow anything to happen."

Joe- (Glares) "Says the professional, who does this for a living!"

Bello- I ignore their hostility. "Who is going first?"

Brian- "ME!"

Sal- We all look at Brian like he's lost his mind, but let him go.

Bello- "Alright...let's do this."

James- One by one we continue to practice, until we feel we are ready.

Saturday Night

Sal- I look out from behind the curtain at the crowded square. "This is insane!"

James- "Told you."

Brian- I peak out behind Sal. (Shrugs)

Joe- I stand holding my daughter, with my arm wrapped around my pregnant wife. "I am actually terrified."

Bessy- (Smiles Encouragingly) "You're gonna do great babe!" I take Miliana as the boys head on out.

Bello- One by one I bring the Jokers up and hook up their harnesses before having them walk across the tight rope.

Joe- I go first making it three steps before falling and being lowered safely to the ground.

Sal- I go next making it four steps before my nerves get the best of me and I fall off, safely being lowered to the ground.

James- I go third making it half way before my fear of heights kick in making me fall, not able to hang on I fall being safely lowered to the ground.

Brian- I go last and make it all the way across before climbing down myself. (Smiles Brightly)

Zak- I was in the back area watching proudly. (Smiles)

Aaron- (Claps and Whistles)

Billy- (Claps) "They all did really well..."

Jay- (Nods and Claps) "They did." We all notice Zak only had his attention on his boyfriend. "Though I think Zak is more proud of what is his."

Aaron and Billy- (Laughs and Nods)

Joe- We come back to the room and I'm immediately taken into the arms of my wife. (Smiles)

Bessy- "You did so good baby!" I give my husband a kiss.

Joe- I take my daughter and return my wife's kiss. "Thank you."

Sal- James and I ignore the love-birds in favor of the GA. "Hey guys!"

Billy- "You guys did spectacular!"

Aaron- "Ya, absolutely amazing."

James- "Thanks, we practiced...a lot."

Brian- Seeing Zak, I throw myself into his arms and pull him into a kiss. (Pants Heavily) "I did it!"

Zak- I pull away from my breathless lover. (Chuckles) "You did and I am so proud of you." I lean down and kiss him once more. "I have a surprise for you..."

Brian- My eyes light with curiosity. "Oh...what is it?"

Zak- I reach into my pocket and pull out a small black velvet box. "Brian Michael Quinn..." I open said box, taking his hands in mine. "Will you marry me?"

Brian- My eyes widen in shock as I look at the black band...on it is etched the Batman and Superman logo. "YES...YES...YES!" Everyone around us friends, family and co-workers alike broke out into cheer.

Zak- I slide the ring on his finger claiming him, pocketing the box I then wrap my arms tightly around his waist.

Brian- I tightly wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you!"

Zak- "I love you babe." I would never break his heart and I vow to give him forever, he is my world...the reason for my every breath.

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