IV. Signing Day

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"Mr. Cunningham get out of my class!" Mrs. Williams yelled and I could barely contain my smirk, she was just mad because I cut her ass off, the way I see it I already got my A in her class and all I had to do was slide her a Big D.... Don't get it twisted if I wanted I could've easily passed her class without fucking her but that required too much effort and my mind was on one thing.... basketball. All my life I've been told 'Troix sit down' 'Troix you're too hyper' "Troix you have way too much energy' 'Troix you can't go around calling people bitch'.... I lettered in like six sports; football, baseball, soccer, track and field, wrestling, and of course basketball but I still had to keep moving it was like I had so much energy penned up that nothing seemed to be able to get me to settled down well there was one activity that seemed to help a lot but I haven't found the right person that's bee able to keep up with me. I walked out the classroom and stepped out into the hall, that was my last class of the day so I figured I'd just home so I could avoid the press. As I walked out to my car I noticed four dudes sneaking through the parking lot and all I could do was laugh.

"What the fuck are y'all up to?" I asked looking at my little brother Nasir, my cousins Mykel, Zuri, and Cameron. "Please don't tell me y'all are skipping because I'm going to get blamed and then I'll have to fuck y'all up." I said and Nasir looked at me with absolute hatred.

"Why the fuck are you talking to me? Better yet don't even look in my direction I don't fuck with you, I don't like you, and I'm almost convinced that I hate you....." Nasir said walking off while Cameron, Zuri, and Mykel looked at me wondering why me and my little brother hated me so much and the short answer is Jakari but real answer was much more complicated.

"Nasir you can't beat me bitch...." I said trying to get under his skin, my body was itching for some type of action and fighting my little brother seemed like a good way burn off some energy.

"Maye not, but I am smarter than you and you know I'm a beast with when it comes to creating boobytraps so one of these days you'll be walking, or driving, or sleeping and something happens to kill all your dreams and aspirations.... So ask yourself Troix do you really wanna go this route?" Nasir said looking into my eyes and I swear he reminded me so much of my dad it was scary and I also heard the conviction behind his words, Nasir seriously hated me and all I did was give Jakari some advice. "Now if you'll excuse us we got stuff to do...." Nasir said and they walked off.

I got home and it was quiet, too quiet... growing up with three siblings and two crazy parents I was used to constant movement, so the stillness of my house made me nervous. I walked up to my room and turned the music up to blasting, I walked around my room and tried my hardest to ignore the six hats that were sitting on my dresser; Notre Dame the school my grandpa wanted me to go to, USC which was my dad's alma mater, THE Ohio State University, The University of Michigan, the University of Houston which was home and Duke. Each of those schools had offered me a full ride to play basketball, I had a couple other offers from other schools, for other sports but basketball was my passion and with Signing Day being tomorrow I still hadn't made my decision. Whatever I'd figure it out at the press conference tomorrow right now I wanted to sleep and not stress myself out........................ I had a dream that I was flying, then crashing; I realized it wasn't a dream and that someone had pulled me from my bed.

"Wake up Troix-Troix, there's too much to do and not a lot of time to do it. I'm heading back to Camp Lejeune right after your decision so we gotta spend as much time together as we possibly can." Jakari said standing over me and I'm not going to lie I kinda teared up because this was the first time he's been home since he graduated basic training. "Don't start crying we don't got time for that Troix." He said smirking.

"What I can't be happy to see my big bro?" I said jumping up and hugging him.

"You can be happy but we gotta get going, but before we do all that go pay my cab driver I gotta piss......" Jakari said walking into my bathroom while I grabbed my wallet. As we drove nowhere we sat in silence, getting Jakari to talk about anything was always a challenge but I knew in a few minutes he'd open up. "Does Nasir still hate me?" Jakari asked quietly.

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