LXXXI. Back In The Day Pt. 2

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The palms of my hands were bleeding, but if I had to choice between being shot and having a few scrapes on my hands, then my choice was easy; I looked around searching for John, Smokey, and Da'Juan... we had all taken off in different directions so right now finding them was my top priority. I held onto my side and tried to catch my breath, checking each street to make sure I hadn't been followed.... this was all my fault because I should've known them niggas were going to try to pull something so I should've been on guard but I fucked up. As I turned down the block about three or four streets away from the group home, I spotted John and Da'Juan flying through the houses. The speed in which they were running had me on guard but for the most part, the streets were empty, whistling loudly they stopped and they looked over at me before slowing down and walking towards me. I couldn't express who relieved I was to see them but I also noticed that Smokey was missing, we all walked slowly towards the house, watching each other's blindspots and we were almost home when we heard him.... then it..... It happened in slow motion, Smokey called out to us, we turned as the sound of gunshots rang out, then Smokey's body hitting the ground.................

The funeral was packed, everyone from our school, our neighborhood, and all the group homes were here to say goodbye to Smokey. The only noticeable absence was his mom, who shrugged and closed the door in Ms. Gina's face when we told her; but I couldn't make it through the service without having to walk out because the guilt was killing me slowly.

"I'm sorry for your loss, I never meant for things to go this far. I just thought they were going to scare y'all dazzit." Toi said as she blew a large pink bubble and watched it popped. I should've smacked the fuck out of this bitch; not only did she have the audacity to show up to Smokey's funeral but she was wearing the most obnoxious lime green dress I had ever seen.

"Why are you here?" I asked placing my hands in my pockets to keep myself from yoking this bitch up and going to jail because there were two police officers waiting outside the funeral home and I wasn't trying to go to jail.

"To apologize... also to tell you that this is partly your fault. I don't handle rejection well and had you given me the attention I deserve then I wouldn't have had told my ex that you were my new nigga.... so if we're being frank here, it's really on you that your boy is dead." She said as tears of anger filled my eyes. SMMMAAACCCKKK..... Echoed out and I looked up as Da'Juan stood in front of Toi said blood flew from her mouth. If the officers heard the smack they didn't react, they just continued their conversation while Toi held her face.

"Bitch you better fuckin leave before you end up tagged and bagged." DaJuan said in a cold voice. Toi, blinked back tears and ran off as Da'Juan shook his hand. "Damn she got a hard ass face..... I suspect we'll be hearing from her ex soon enough." He said rubbing his hand on his pants as if that was going to ease the pain.

"You shouldn't have done that.... you should've just ignored her." I said quietly.

"Fuck that bitch.... just wait, she'll be getting hers soon enough. But I wanted to come out here and check on you, I know this can't be easy..... I'm struggling to deal with it myself and I don't do tears.... I'm more about that action." Da'Juan said and I looked at him for clarification but just then people started walking out of the funeral home so this conversation would have to wait.

After we left the cemetery, the four of us were all sitting around the backyard smoking.... usually I only smoked on holidays but this was my way of paying tribute to my boy. He was always trying to get me to smoke and I always declined but now looking back on it.... I looked at John who still had tears streaming down his face, Mello hadn't said a word since we told him what happened and Da'Juan was fuming.

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